The Borrowers...bought more house than they could afford because real estate values always go up and they have a burning desire to one-up their neighbors. They also love to talk about their 3,500 sq.ft. house with 3 flat screen TVs when they go to their 20 year high school reunion. So, they fudge a little on their no-doc loan application. I'll take the ARM 'cause the rates lower and I can refi in 5 years when my house is worth 30% more than it is now...prolly take cash out and put in a pool. SWEET!
The Lenders...greed, greed and more greed. Ratios dont work, get it done somehow. Appraisal didnt come in?...find another appraiser. The applications were coming is so fast and furious..all they saw were dollar signs. I know mortgage brokers who didnt know what an ARM or FHA loan was in 2002 make over $200,000 in 2003 doing refis...and all they did was answer the phone! Of course, those guys are parking cars now.
Clinton...relaxed the Fannie & Freddie standards that allowed this shit. No one is pointing a finger at him...I wonder why
Bush...did nothing to prevent it. Allowed this moronic economic stimulous to pass this summer. I dont know anyone who has a college education who thinks that was a good idea. Hhhmmm, lets dump Billions of dollars to people and encourage them to go to Target and buy a new TV or a dishwasher. So, now the GDP and Target's earnings look good for a quarter...the next quarter looks like shit but the debt is there forever. BRILLIANT!
Congress...They are in the same boat as Bush for doing nothing and approving that ridiculous stimulus package.
Greenspan...he made money too cheap and left it too cheap for WAY too long. He would occasionally wag his finger and say "irrational exuberance" and things but, he had to know what the fuck he was doing. I still dont know what his motives were for doing what he did but, I suspect that will come out in the wash some day.
So, I voted all of the above.