Who here will be making a bet on the bama senate race


I like money
Dec 13, 2006
Hang his bitch ass. If this was a Democrat who did this....this place would be up in arms lmfao. Three threads calling for his resignation

100% True.

And I saw some posts about proof, allegedly or accusations. Watch the below video. His coworker (The Deputy District Attorney) says it was common knowledge he dated high schoolers. He hung out at malls and high school football games. (Yes I know its CNN but the content is what I am discussing)


Mar 5, 2009
This has been going on for decades as well. In all allegations, if you have the money, you can fight it. But think about all of the incidents that don't make it to allegations. Because a 14 year old girl isn't going to understand until later. And real talk I've seen this happen a lot when I was in school. Teachers touching up on kids. This is real life and there are a lot of sick fucks who need to be in prison over some of these drug offenders who are trying to make enough money to just live. Meanwhile we got 40 year old teachers and politicians trying to fuck 13/14 year old boys and girls. And yall co-sign that.

Mob = drug pushers ok, but those old white politicians who may or may not have done something 40 years ago, Hang them bitch ass's......lol

you're the best dude!

Feb 19, 2011
This has been going on for decades as well. In all allegations, if you have the money, you can fight it. But think about all of the incidents that don't make it to allegations. Because a 14 year old girl isn't going to understand until later. And real talk I've seen this happen a lot when I was in school. Teachers touching up on kids. This is real life and there are a lot of sick fucks who need to be in prison over some of these drug offenders who are trying to make enough money to just live. Meanwhile we got 40 year old teachers and politicians trying to fuck 13/14 year old boys and girls. And yall co-sign that.

I wish I was a drug offender just trying to make enough money to live but I have a regular job to live instead, WTF

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
He initiated a sexual encounter or relationship or whatever he wanted when she was 14 years of age. I don't care if he can stand on his head and read passages from the bible....he's hopeful to get with a 14 year old girl at that time. You can cut that any which way you want.....that's still sick and you should be out of your job in whatever you do.

Don't know if it's true, but even if he did, dating younger woman was probably common place in Alabama in the 1970's. So it can be a "cultural" thing. We all know how much you love to defend things based on culture. His wife is 14 years younger than he is, married in 1985 and still married 32 years later.

Did you know? You can get married at age 16 in Alabama, yes 16, I just looked it up. So while city folk and the coastline elitist liberals are quick to judge, I don't think people living in the heartland care much about their condescending and half true opinions very much

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The wife of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore said Monday that the women accusing her husband of initiating inappropriate relationships with them as children have been paid by his critics to come forward.
Kayla Moore spoke out on Facebook just before attorney Gloria Allred was set to go public with another story of a woman saying Roy Moore approached her as a minor.
"After the accusations came out against Judge Moore his polling numbers did not change, so do you think they will let up?? We knew something was coming, just did not know what next," Kayla Moore wrote on Facebook. "This is the same Gloria Allred that did the very exact same thing to Trump during his campaign. Going on two months now they’ve been on a witchhunt here in Etowah County and our state advertising people to step forward with accusations and we are gathering evidence of money being paid to people who would come forward. Which is part of why we are filing suit! Washington establishment and Democrat Party will stop at nothing to stop our campaign. Prayers appreciated...."


so what happens when people come forward stating they were either offered money or actually received money from the WP for dirt?

Our criminal colluding conspiring democratic media does far more harm to our political system than Russia ever could, they need to be investigated next, and that time is coming

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
New accuser says Roy Moore violently sexually assaulted her when she was 16....43 years ago :):)


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
That Gloria Allred is another scumbag piece of shit

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
They did the same thing with Trump.....Something like 8 women accused Trump of sexual harassment in a 8 day span.....Women from 30 years back.

Same lawyer, same bullshit.


Jan 15, 2005
did what exactly? allegedly "tried to initiate a sexual relationship"?

the WP creates dirt trying to steal a seat for the Democrats 30 days before an election, weak allegations about something that supposedly happened 37 years ago but never saw the light of day until 30 days before an election

now if he were a "democrat", he could start the KKK in his home state, he could filibuster the Bill of Rights, and he'd still be a liberal icon until the day he died. Why he'd even have building and schools and highways named after him, and not one fucking idiot would be protesting. Real talk, because it's real life. If Moore were a democrat, he's be treated by democrats and their lying press the very same way they treated Senator Robert Byrd

You want to get away with vehicular homicide? you better be a democrat like the "Liberal Lion"

You want to be an impeached federal judge convicted of accepting bribes and you still want to be Congressmen? You better be a democrat like Alcie Hastings

You want to have a sexual relationship with an underage intern and still be a Congressmen and eventually Chair a Committee? You better be a democrat like Gerry Studds

You're guilty of tax evasion as you advocate tax increases for everybody else and you want to be a career Congressman, you better be a democrat like Charlie Rangel

You want to have a relationship with a 20 year old intern and then commit perjury in the court of law and then get disbarred and you still want to be a power broker for your party? you better be a democrat like Bubba

Because if you're a Republican like Trent Lott, the fucking idiots kick and scream until you resign because you gave a toast at a birthday party where you said to a 100 year old man "you would have been a great president". You see, the fucking idiots find that toast revolting because Strong Thurman was a former segregationist. Maybe if Strong started the KKK people would have been OK with that

Give me a fucking break with this bullshit, "real talk"

Willie, good to see you are still defending a pedophile

Sep 21, 2004
GB yep and it did not work with Trump and it will not work this time, most people can see through this lies and bs, but you have clueless posters like Mob, who i got a laugh out of that cnn thing he posted........cnn lol fake news at the very highest lies, i really dont get a normal person who even listen to anything cnn posts now


Jan 15, 2005
Don't know if it's true, but even if he did, dating younger woman was probably common place in Alabama in the 1970's. So it can be a "cultural" thing. We all know how much you love to defend things based on culture. His wife is 14 years younger than he is, married in 1985 and still married 32 years later.

Did you know? You can get married at age 16 in Alabama, yes 16, I just looked it up. So while city folk and the coastline elitist liberals are quick to judge, I don't think people living in the heartland care much about their condescending and half true opinions very much
She was 14. Pedophile.


Jan 15, 2005
The wife of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore said Monday that the women accusing her husband of initiating inappropriate relationships with them as children have been paid by his critics to come forward.
Kayla Moore spoke out on Facebook just before attorney Gloria Allred was set to go public with another story of a woman saying Roy Moore approached her as a minor.
"After the accusations came out against Judge Moore his polling numbers did not change, so do you think they will let up?? We knew something was coming, just did not know what next," Kayla Moore wrote on Facebook. "This is the same Gloria Allred that did the very exact same thing to Trump during his campaign. Going on two months now they’ve been on a witchhunt here in Etowah County and our state advertising people to step forward with accusations and we are gathering evidence of money being paid to people who would come forward. Which is part of why we are filing suit! Washington establishment and Democrat Party will stop at nothing to stop our campaign. Prayers appreciated...."


so what happens when people come forward stating they were either offered money or actually received money from the WP for dirt?

Our criminal colluding conspiring democratic media does far more harm to our political system than Russia ever could, they need to be investigated next, and that time is coming

im sure they will sue just like trump said he was going to do after the election...oh wait

Sep 21, 2004
this lawyer just make millions off these dumb bitches now it seems for yrs, does she even take any males clients cases??

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Willie, good to see you are still defending a pedophile

I always weigh the evidence, while you 're spoonfed what to think

You already convicted a man based on questionable and unsubstantiated and seriously dated material.

You're the reason why the WP does what they do, you're an enabler
Feb 6, 2007
I wish I was a drug offender just trying to make enough money to live but I have a regular job to live instead, WTF

Some sell crack to support their family, yes.

If you claim someone robbed you and you see him walking down the street and a cop is next to you.....you say, Mr. Officer that guy robbed me 5 years ago. I am 100% sure he stole my phone and wallet. The officer has no recourse, he has to make that stop. No matter how long ago it happened.

I can't tell you why women don't come out right away. Ask your wife. But 43 years is a long time to hold a rape or a sexual assualt allegations in. But women do shit like that. They don't speak out much because they know people don't listen. ...especially back then when women had even less rights. Now more and more women coming out probably make them feel like it's safe to call it how it was and call out people for who they really are. Dude is a sleezeball pedophile and also a politician. Those dudes should get no leeway.
Feb 6, 2007
I always weigh the evidence, while you 're spoonfed what to think

You already convicted a man based on questionable and unsubstantiated and seriously dated material.

You're the reason why the WP does what they do, you're an enabler

What evidence? His wife coming to his defense? How in the world is that evidence?

So lmfao how can Trump be a cop out here? Makes no fucking sense lol. Ironic this dumb bitch is pointing out Trump as the other innocent man of sexual assualt when he is on tape saying I grab bitches by the pussy all the time. Lmfao willie....comeon bro. Be serious lets act right.

What evidence do you need for you to believe? You want the girl to save the condom for you or something?


Jan 15, 2005
I always weigh the evidence, while you 're spoonfed what to think

You already convicted a man based on questionable and unsubstantiated and seriously dated material.

You're the reason why the WP does what they do, you're an enabler
You are really are pathetic. It’s embarrassing. The WP had over 30! sources for their story. You are supporting a pedophile. If that motherfucker or anyone like him approached my daughter he’d be dead as fuck.

you’re in a small club here with brucefan now.


Jan 15, 2005
New accuser says Roy Moore violently sexually assaulted her when she was 16....43 years ago :):)


He probably didn’t even know her...she’s probably making it up for all the positive attention and press she’s getting right?

Beverly Nelson just read the quote Roy Moore wrote in her high school yearbook, where he called her “a beautiful girl.” He signed it "Roy Moore, DA."

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