Halo ODST took only 10 hours to beat. I'm so glad I rent games instead of buy them. I heard some people beat it in much less time.
Right now working on Cabela's big game hunter 2010. This is the most red neck video game I have ever played. I'm not really cool with stalking and killing innocent animals for fun. But in a fictional video game setting, I have to say that this is mildly amusing.
I do. But I don't really play on live that often. Probably not until the new Call Of Duty comes out in Nov. And then I will be on quite often.
PS3 is better.. went through 3 xbox's.. they all broke.. will never buy a microsoft game system again.. Had my PS3 since it came out.. Not one single problem.. SONY FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS3 is better.. went through 3 xbox's.. they all broke.. will never buy a microsoft game system again.. Had my PS3 since it came out.. Not one single problem.. SONY FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do. But I don't really play on live that often. Probably not until the new Call Of Duty comes out in Nov. And then I will be on quite often.
Right now, working on the single player campaign for HALO 3 : ODST. I think this game kind of sucks to be honest.
I did try that! It is a pretty fun mini game. Best thing about WAW was the flame thrower, it was so fun to use it was almost disturbing.Call of Duty WAW Nazi Zombies. Get on it if you havent yet. Some addicting shit, lemmme tell you...
Round 31 with 2 people my best!
I did try that! It is a pretty fun mini game. Best thing about WAW was the flame thrower, it was so fun to use it was almost disturbing.
Modern Warfare 2 is going to be something else.
Yup you are right. But watching guys wave their arms around frantically and screaming ahh! ahh! is gaming bliss.But, the flame thrower kind of sucked when you were actually trying to use it to kill somebody. It's been proven that just about any weapon (including pistols) will take down an enemy quicker with a few well placed shots (or one if its a head shot) than the flame thrower. When the game came out I remember there was so much hype surrounding the flame thrower but when I finally got it, I was really disappointed because the damage just wasn't right and so it was essentially useless. Fun to use when it works, though!