for the SIA boilerplate, brought to you as a public service to counteract all those folks who'll tell you to go ahead and play there due to the juicy lines... sorry, folks there is no free lunch.
When you play with SIA, just assume you are playing into your local mob-backed bookie. If you start winning big/long term, you get cut or worse, robbed and cut. You wanna big withdrawal after you raped 'em? Fvck you pal, wait a while. They think you are cheating in some way, Mr. Dual IPs? Well "good luck collecting, asshole". They ran up a dumb line and got screwed? "Hey, those bets don't count, sorry pal, our mistake." And that's how it goes.
This is exactly what you are dealing with. They do enough legit business to keep the banner online, but behind the scenes it's simply organized crime as usual.