I didn't realize I was scared of heights until I got up there for the first time. Never had an issue but once the chute and i were strapped in and we hit jump height , it was a tandem jump with an instructor the first time , my knees just buckled. If my sister and my cousins wife both hadn't gone before me and jumped out without hesitation I might've backed out but my manhood was at stake. Did it, and it was amazing, completed 3 solo jumps since. It's such a rush, I highly recommend the experience. Blows bungee jumping or cliff diving out of the water, going to try hang gliding this year, so that's my biggest warning you may become addicted to the rush and want to try bigger and badder.
I did an accelerated freefall my first time. Never did tandem because I wanted to do it alone rather than attached. The class was actually kinda brutal, it was like 9hrs starting at 7am and when it ended I just wanted to jump. Just knowing the stats I wasn't really nervous about it.
Like riding a motorcycle is 1 of the most dangerous things you can do and I believe the #1 cause of head trauma. A lot of people would probably do that before skydiving, kinda weird how that works.
Not sure if I have a fear of heights or not but in some cases I get dizzy up high. It was not the case at all when I did the jump though... being up there and you can see for miles toward the horizons. For some reason I didn't get dizzy and when I knelt at the door and looked straight down it was all good.I'm afraid of heights and have done it twice. I figured at that height everyone is scared so what difference does it make. Awesome experience.