According to ESPN he was drafted as a WR, but has him as a QB. IMO he'll play both.
He'll play the "Slash" role. Chad Henne is the future QB.
Watchout for Miami. Even though Brady is back, I still think Miami wins this division. They're younger and more athletic.
Miami was a one year wonder team, only thing they had going for them was the Wildcat offense and everyone figured it out by mid season. They will be lucky to finish 3rd place behind the jets and pats
Incorrect. Miami has actually been bringing in some pretty solid talent for several seasons now but they have been so poorly managed that they could never pull it together. Yes, their offense was not as good as they appeared but isn't it all about moving the ball and scoring points? The reason why teams figured out the wildcat is becuase they were limited with what they could do with Brown running the offense. Now you have White running the plays and the secondary can not cheat up becuase they need to cover the deep ball. As long as Miami doesn't beat themselves, the Wildcat is virtually unstoppable.
Miami may take a step back based on the difficulty of their schedule but I can guarantee you that they will be in every game in the 4th quarter.
How many times per game do you thing Miami is going to run the Wildcat?
No more than 5 per game.