:nohead:Like I stated before I'll play you for 50 bucks a game. I make more than you being a law clerk in a week currently at
Kutak Rock than you likely make in a month..
I need cash? Can you not read you illiterate fool. I am moving.. moving. I have no reason to pay the money to move all this stuff since I barely play video games anymore since I have a child to watch after. I would absolutely destroy you at 2009 or 2008 or madden. I was ranked in the top 100 at ps2 for 2008 and I went 20-1 and lost in the nebraska championship for the gamestop tournament for 2008 xbox 360 which I lost 14-13 OSU vs VTECH. I find it humorous though that a nerd baller such as yourself has such a hard on for me you have to follow me around though I love it baby.