The irony with Balto signing Sosa , he still has an arguable shot at 700 homeruns...
Not only do they have Raffy going for his 3000th hit , they now have Slammy trying to hit #600 this wont matter, they will still finish .500 at best!
the deepest impact will be sosa and the biggest..identity measured. it was close but the big unit was second..jman you would probably be in the running purely based on your pics if legit
Another over paid player past his prime that ends up in Baltimore. Once again the O's will be in a rebuild mode with a huge payroll. Decent lineup with some of the worse pitching in the league
Dicky the Cubs are footing a portion of Slammy's contract...I do agree though this move will hurt Baltimore more than help, but who cares , until baseball wakes up and gets a salary cap its a moot point...