As Kerry continues to "Report for Duty" and as I get angrier and angrier whenever I see the clips of him testifying to the Congress against his brother Vietnam Vets, some of those old memories of my time in Vietnam are coming back.
I remember this one time in particular when we were being mortared - as I ran for the bunker, I fell (I had, for medical reasons, drank several cans of OB Beer - chased with a few shots of creme de menthe (to kill the taste of the Korean made beer)) and I skinned the heel of my hand.
At the time, I was aggravated for hiding in a dark, bug infested bunker when I could have been continuing with my medical therapy. Anyway! I believe I'm elligible for a Purple Heart for sustaining that wound as a direct result of enemy action.
I am going to draft a memo to St Louis requesting my award as soon as I finish this post.
I remember this one time in particular when we were being mortared - as I ran for the bunker, I fell (I had, for medical reasons, drank several cans of OB Beer - chased with a few shots of creme de menthe (to kill the taste of the Korean made beer)) and I skinned the heel of my hand.
At the time, I was aggravated for hiding in a dark, bug infested bunker when I could have been continuing with my medical therapy. Anyway! I believe I'm elligible for a Purple Heart for sustaining that wound as a direct result of enemy action.
I am going to draft a memo to St Louis requesting my award as soon as I finish this post.