Gold is a good option to the Fall of the US Empire.
$1Trillion a year added debt for 10yrs will make GDP output barely enough to pay debt commitments. Hyperinflation awaits.
Earlier if international interest rates rise sooner than expected.
USA has a good run, a new economy awaits.
Better? Probably not, just new!
The Roman government's expanded its commitments from 270AD, its welfare liabilties and spending exceeded its income from taxation, and thus created a collapse in the money economy during 270-300AD, with massive hyperinflation. This undermined the artisan (skilled worker) economy, and finally the state which relies on output from the economy, tries to interfere to force people to work for a negative real economic return through a prices and incomes policy, while it carries on spending.
This attempt at controlling inflation by the government failed and a barter system took its place. A move to a barter/land based/Landlord-Renter economy means that output is based around the land, and people cannot practice highly skilled trades. Innovation and finance depend on a sound money economy to save and form reliable contracts to make productivity gains.
Life in Rome moved rapidly from a money economy with technology, artisans and science, to a land based (barter) economy, with a feudal structure and caste system. Within 40 years every citizen was registered with the government. In fact citizens were not allowed to move from their lands, or occupations as it messed up the 'database' (register) and created additional expense for the government.