Where Is John Rocker Now?


Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
John Rocker would not stay quiet forever.
Rocker, the often bombastic former major league pitcher best known for having to defend himself from his own controversial statements and behavior, appears ready to join the club and become an author.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has posted a fun summary of an article about Rocker in Atlanta Magazine. In it, Rocker says he is nearly done working on a memoir — "co-written by a liberal guy from Canada" — to be self-published and released in June. It's called "John Rocker: Scars and Stripes."
With the Atlanta Braves making all kinds of unfortunate news lately, Rocker's timing — mmmwah! But hey, if Jose Canseco can become a best-selling author, why not John Rocker?
Atlanta Magazine's Charles Bethea says Rocker wants the world — finally — to get his story straight:
The book, he says, is a mixture of baseball and politics, as well as some of his "philosophy and feelings." Rocker describes it, with momentary restraint, "how the conversation would have gone had that writer gotten it right."
"Philosophy and feelings"? Beat that, Jeff Pearlman!
After Sports Illustrated published Pearlman's unkind story about Rocker in December 1999, the Chicago Tribune said the player had become "The face of racism in America."
I'm not sure if Rocker is face of anything, anymore, considering he hasn't pitched in the majors since 2003. He's barely a public figure — it's not like he went into broadcasting or, ha, politics. An autobiographical take on Rocker's life would sound more like a winner if he hadn't fallen off the face of the Earth.
At one time, it seemed like the planet split into two camps: Those who despised Rocker and those who liked his pro wrestling-like schtick.
Many — especially in New York City — already had begun to express a dislike for Rocker as he engaged Mets fans in a juvenile argument that escalated through the 1999 NLCS. (To sum up, he was quoted as disliking all of the "foreigners" riding the No. 7 Train.)
Pearlman's story kicked up Rocker hate 1,000 notches, depicting the player as a boorish jerk who used just about every racist, sexist and jingoistic stereotype in the book. Rocker, whose baseball career was cut short by injuries, says he's gotten the short end of public opinion ever since.
That's probably Rocker's own fault. Even if he's not really racist or sexist or boorish or even a rude dude, he cannot help but come off as such. I hope this liberal Canadian co-writer can help make some sense of Rocker's life. It might make a good read.
Or it would have at one time.

New member
Jan 30, 2009
Yes OMT you could write a book and instead of Scars and Stripes you could call it Sides and Totals.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
best post season closer of all time, era was 0.00. Didnt give away a pennant like Trevor Hoffman. He is best remmebered for shutting down the NY Mets with the season on the line.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
He sells real estate now in Georgia

New member
Jun 2, 2006
best post season closer of all time, era was 0.00.
Most ridiculous statement I have ever read on the rx

Rocker has pitched in not even twenty one post season innings.
Mo, has pitched in 141 post season innings.

Mo, in those 141 innings has an era of 0.70, Mo has a WHIP ratio of 0.759 in those 141 post season innings.
Rocker, in his 21 innings, has a WHIP ratio of 0.871.

Rocker is best remembered for shutting down the NY Mets with the season on the line.

Mo is best remembered for.... well, where would one begin...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Most ridiculous statement I have ever read on the rx

while I appreciate and agree with your argument Husky II, that statement you made is equally "ridiculous" my friend

ridiculousness is in no short supply here at theRX, or anywhere on the internet for that matter

Jan 23, 2007
you'll have to excuse rail-turd, he is used to handicapping little league baseball:):)

Sep 21, 2004

[h=1]John Rocker writes in column that Holocaust ‘would have never taken place’ if Jewish people had guns[/h][h=2]Rocker, infamous for racial and homophobic shots at New Yorkers in 1999, has weighed in on the gun control issue and the Holocaust.[/h][h=3]NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h][h=5]Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 3:24 PM[/h]
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[h=4]MARTIN FRIED/UPI[/h][h=4]Where’s John Rocker been? Working on a career as a conservative columnist, it appears.[/h]

John Rocker has opened his mouth once again, and not surprisingly, something stupid came out of it.
Rocker, infamous for racial and homophobic shots at New Yorkers in 1999, has weighed in on the gun control issue and the Holocaust.
Rocker, in a rambling column for the conservative website WorldNetDaily, said, “Absolute certainties are a rare thing in this life, but one I think can be collectively agreed upon is the undeniable fact that the Holocaust would have never taken place had the Jewish citizenry of Hitler's Germany had the right to bear arms and defended themselves with those arms."
But he wasn’t done there.
Rocker went on to rip President Obama for the “fiscal cliff” agreement and Obama care, and also accused the president of using the Sandy Hook tragedy for political gain.
“ ... the one issue few members of the GOP, even fewer conservative pundits and, worse, even the National Rifle Association fail to realize is the pressing matter of our age: President Barack Obama’s decision to use the political capital garnered from the Sandy Hook tragedy to make an all-out assault on gun ownership.”
Rocker, already hated by Mets fans for his antics on the mound with the Braves, became Public Enemy No. 1 in December of 1999 when, in a Sports Illustrated story, took his shots at the city and Met fans in particular.
“Nowhere else in the country do people spit at you, throw bottles at you, throw quarters at you, throw batteries at you and say, ‘Hey, I did your mother last night — she’s a whore.’ I talked about what degenerates they (Mets fans) were, and they proved me right. Just by saying something, I could make them mad enough to go home and slap their moms.”
When asked if he would play for the Mets or Yankees, Rocker said, “I would retire first. It's the most hectic, nerve-racking city. Imagine having to take the 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you're (riding through) Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing."
Following the comments, Rocker was originally suspended 28 days, but an independent arbitrator cut it in half.
Still, his days in Altanta — and MLB — were numbered. Rocker was traded to Cleveland in 2001, and was out of the majors on June 27, 2003 when he was released by Tampa Bay.
Two years later, Rocker surfaced with the Long Island Ducks of the independent Atlantic League, but lasted only three months.
“I would like to offer a heartfelt thanks to the Long Island fans for being so supportive and accepting,” Rocker said at the time. “The warm welcome I received here on Long Island went beyond all my expectations.”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/b...ted-holocaust-article-1.1240551#ixzz2I6DySILx

Sep 21, 2004

Survivor: Meet John Rocker And Julie McGee
[SIZE=-1]Stimpy's Take
September 19, 2014


[SIZE=-2]John and Julie [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2][SIZE=-1]Good lord, it's John Rocker. Former MLB player, and generally regarded as pretty much a wank of epic proportions.

Inappropriate comments, steroid use, the man was an endless cliché.

And, now he's on Survivor. Joy.

Well, let's try to put his past aside and just look at his Survivor resume, shall we?

His inspiration in life was his father, and he learned from watching how his father carried himself.

Hmm. Wonder if dad was given to saying things like 'who wants to sit next to a queer with AIDs'?


His pet peeve about rude, lazy, selfish people pretty much describes the normal castaway out there. That should be fun to watch.

[SIZE=-3]Got thoughts? Post them at the end.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]John also describes himself as 'intense, self-motivating and responsible'.

Stimpy sez: Pardon?

Responsible? Are you fucking kidding me, John? You, the man who said the Holocaust could have been prevented if there hadn't been such strict gun control in Germany at the time, are trying to convince people that you even have an inkling of what it means to be responsible?

You did roids while you were playing MLB. I don't give a shit if 'everyone was doing it', that's not an excuse I accept. Cal Ripken, Jr, and Tony Gwynn never did roids, and they're both in the Hall of Fame.


The first thing he wants out there? Vodka. Well, see, now that is something a responsible person would want.


He likens himself to Jeff Kent, the other former MLB player to partake in Survivor, but qualifies it by saying Jeff was more 'subdued' than John considers himself to be.

I'm shocked.

John also speaks of the experience. Translation: I thought it would be cool to do Survivor.

Notice it's not: I want the damn money. Period.

John also thinks he has world class athletic ability (chemically aided, mind you), leadership skills (are you fucking kidding me?), and ability to read people (a good skill to have, if he truly possesses it), as well as the ability to 'morph his personality' in a way that lets him mesh with people from all walks of life.

Except the queers. Right, John?

Okay, so despite his delusions about what his social game is going to look like (he's going to try and be alpha-male and probably piss off more people than he realizes), he's also too focused on the physical side of things.

As he puts it a 'relatively significant part of Survivor depends on physical ability'. While it can be argued that is an actual fact, there's one thing that John is really missing here.

Say it with me kids: Survivor is a social game!

John's on the right of the spectrum, politically speaking, and he's not overly fond of homosexuals, or immigrants.

Remember how much of a square peg in a round hole Frank (the conservative) was during Africa. And Frank would have to look hard right to find Mr. Rocker.

Plus, he's got that built in factor that he doesn't even seem to be aware of: You're a former ball player dude.

Guaranteed, right outta the gate, people start talking amongst themselves about how you don't need or deserve the win.

Not even being the least bit aware of that, nor just how much of a wank he can be really leads me to believe that even though he's got the physical chops to be considered an asset, I can't say I have ANY good vibes about John's long-term chances in this game.

Now, let's flip over and look at Julie, who happens to be John's girlfriend.

Well, right outta the gate, we've gotta question this lady's judgment in her significant other.

But, upon reading her profile, I think it's apparent that Julie is the Survivor fan in this relationship, and it was SHE who wanted to partake, and had to drag a loved one out there with her.

Hello, John.

The simple fact that she likened herself to Colleen (from season ONE), means that Julie isn't some Julie-come-lately the world of Survivor.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean I think much of her chances.

She's about the experience, and would like to compete on Survivor more than once.

Okay, how about actually WINNING?

Julie mentions her observations skills and instincts, and how she can use those to her advantage.

That's a positive.

Until, I double-check and see that what Julie actually said was 'I'll bring that strong instinct to the game and help my team to win'.

Stimpy, again, sez: Pardon?

Your TEAM to win? How the fuck can you have been watching since season one, and even mention the word 'team' when it comes to Survivor?

Teams don't win this game sweetheart. Individuals do. Those that realize that fact are generally the ones who win.

Those that speak of 'team' are often doing whatever they can to not come off as bitter jurors, if they even make it that far.

Julie does seem to be a fan of this show, and I think she's going into this knowing what to expect, but not really having a strategy of any kind.

And, that doesn't bode well.

Also, there's nary a mention of 'I may need to distance myself from John if it becomes apparent that his celebrity (or general ass-holish nature) is rubbing some of the others the wrong way'.

She wants the experience, and I hope she enjoys it, because I don't think there's much chance of her being brought back for another kick at the can.

She speaks of 'team', and not of 'I', and in this game, that is an important distinction.

She may last awhile, but I dunno if I think much of her long-term chances. I just don't see the 'drive' to win this thing, to say nothing of having a long-term game-plan or strategy. [SIZE=-1]

<iframe height="281" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/0f8iUup3Cyw" frameBorder="0" width="500" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


I never ever got beat-I just run out of Money
Jun 17, 2007
His girlfriend has nice :massage: but dingy......

New member
Nov 1, 2012
my book had a prop on this so click and see john rocker .. and i am like where the hell do i know this name from .. had to google that idiot lol to remember

Sep 21, 2004
By the way if you have not watched the show – here is Tit’s McGee for you boys (and lesbians – and swing hitters)

Yep they are natural.

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