Here is a sly tip for you to possibly get done what you want to accomplish.
Do you have ANY type of casino near you?
If so, ask them if you get a cash advance on your credit card to gamble with, if they will waive the fee for this.
Granted, you will have to pay some interest charges on your card, but hopefully for only a 30 span.
Take that money and deposit it via Western Union at a book that will cover the fees(most) and then withdrewl through your certified Neteller account for FREE and then you can have Neteller EFT the money to your bank account for FREE.
An even better way if your a normal casino gambler is to set up CREDIT at the casino itself.
Some casinos will let you withdraw a certain amount of cash from the casino cage for FREE with NO INTERST for 30 days!!
I had 4-5 places like this in Vegas that would allow me to take out $10,000 like this.
It is essentially a 30 day free loan.....and if you want, you could just take $10,000 in markers from one casino to pay off the other and just revolve your loan interest free.