What's your luckiest cover or win ever?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
The bengals beating the chiefs...but of course, that wasn't luck

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Duncan hit a meaningless 2 pointer at the buzzer in the series vs. the Nets last year. I had 10K on the Spurs and I believe they then covered by a point. I was jumping around my house that night.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
2002 world series. had a series bet on the angels...down 3-2 in the series and 5-1 in the 7th inning of game 6, dusty baker visits the mound and decides to leave russ ortiz in to pitch out of trouble. the rest is history.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I think it was the 2002 Easter conference Semi-finals, Celtics @ Sixers Game 3 or 4. I had the Celtics +3 and the Celtics are down 4 and call a timeout with 1 second left. Pierce then throws up a shot and makes it, for the desperation cover.

Jan 20, 2002
Probably 7 or 8 years ago I had the Marlins at Montreal over 8' runs. The score was 1-1 and in the 10th inning the Marlins put up 8 or 9 runs to push the total over.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Hard to remember any good covers, it's the bad beats that stick with you. It's like buttoning your shirt when your thumb is fine, no big deal. Button it when your thumb is sore and it leaves a longer memory.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Had bills - 3 against Oilers in 1992 playoffs.

They came back from 35-3 to win 41-38 and I push.

Chargers + 7.5 this sunday was nice too.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
jan. 2, 1992

fullerton is playing @ unlv that night (when we both were in the same conference). we went to the game - meaning we were in town ahead of time to bet.

the same 1-2-92 night, santa barbara was @ pacific. i will never forget this - because my friend and i were at the stardust sports book watching some games.

we saw a line of "pick" for the game and nearly fell off our chairs in disbelief. how could ucsb only be "pick" @ uop? they were gonna KILL uop - this was an awful line.

so we start talking and we go make a bet on the game. we talk some more - then realize we should have bet some more on the game - and go manke another bet. we did this a total of FIVE times (yes - we had 5 tickets on the same game).

people at the book hear us talking and starting asking us about the game - and we tell them all this game is a "lock" - santa barbara will kill them. conservatively about 6 people go bet the game because of us - and probably more.

we make our bets and then head off to the game.

we get to the game and find out UOP is UP 10 @ 1/2. we are nervous - but not worried.

as for the unlv/csuf game - they smoked us by about 40 - and if tark didn't call off the dogs he could have won by 80 (and say what you will about tark - he almost always "called off the dogs" in conference games). but at the game we get an update on the ucsb/uop game - and are told with 10 minutes left - UOP up 10.

my buddy and i are now shitting bricks. we BOTH bet way more than we should have - and could have afforded to loe - because we "knew" ucsb was a "lock."

try as hard as we can - we don't get an update on the game the rest of the csuf/unlv game.

when the game ends - we still have no idea what happened - but we assume we are screwed.

i see ross porter doing the game for tv so i go over to that side of the court to ask him - knowing he will know - and that he does.

he tells me ray kelly hit a 10-footer at the buzzer to give ucsb a 1-point win! i almost died with joy! my buddy is on the other side of the court - so i yell across to him - with a first raised in the air letting him know we won our bet. i go over and tell him what happened and we both start jumping up and down with joy. people see we have a csuf shirt on - and our team got killed - and wonder why we are happy.

i go back to the stardust to cash our tickets - thankful to do so. i also had a ticket to cash at the riviera - and head across the street to do so.

in the process - i see a ticket lying on the floor:

UCSB -1.5

i look at it and get a small laugh - knowing this person was pissed at how the game ended (but also know he deserved to lose for betting a bad number).

about 1 month after this game - ucsb comes to fullerton. after the game - my buddy and i stick around - so we can talk to ray kelly. we both thank him profusely for the shot - and tell him he won us a lot of money on that game. his mother was there and (jokingly?) asks how much are we going to give them? if truth be told - if he had been 21 - we would have given him something like a bottle of champagne (or given it to his mother) - but we didn't.

this was easily the luckiest cover of my life - by far!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
come on pepole, i had the under in the mets playoff game 4 years ago or so when ventura hit the grand slam in the bottom of the ninth to put it over but todd pratt grabbed him when he was circling first base and i beleive only the winning run counted, now that is first real unlucky and then incredibly lucky.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
tough to decide on the Music City Miracle or this one:

Probably about 5 years ago...Jax -4 at home over the Steelers on Monday nite football. Steelers down by 2 and line up to kick a last second FG to either win the game outright, or miss it and screw me on the cover. Wrong...FG gets blocked and ran back for about a 70 yard TD with no time left on the clock. Bill Cowher came within inches of clotheslining the Jag who's running the ball back. It was a completely ridiculous play and should have never happened, but I'll take it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
March 13, 2003. Colorado and Kansas State. Believe it was the Big 12 Tourney. Little fuzzy on the details.

Anyway, I took the Colorado moneyline. Had it in SEVERAL parlays. Late in the game, Colorado is down 2 points. With a few seconds left, Colorado is in-bounding the ball. They've gotta go the whole court. They throw it deep, it is intercepted by Kansas State. But the KSU player starts running with the ball and points his finger in the air...he thinks the game is over! Sorry dude, there are 2-3 seconds on the clock. You just walked with the ball!

Colorado gets to in-bound the ball on the side...and then they BANK a 3-pointer for the win.

I also remember betting on the Chi Sox @ Cubs. Late in the game, Cubs hit a ball to the wall...and it got stuck in the ivy, ground-rule double. Because of the ground-rule double, one of the runners had to stay @ 3rd base. Chi Sox won the game because of that ground-rule double.

New member
Jun 21, 2002
so far the luckiest i have gotten was about a couple of weeks ago when the raptors played the nets in new jersey...i had under 161.5 in that game....end of third quarter the game is totally looking over...i could only allow 33 pts in the 4th quarter...well it was exactly 14 seconds left and the game was tied at 80-80....i could only allow a point....well with about 3-4 seconds to go i think carter gets tied up for a jumpball....i already gave up on that game....carter wins the jumpball, the ball goes to peterson who gets hacked going to the rim with less then a second to go.....he makes the first, misses the second....i win the bet.....THANK YOU JEFFERSON!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I did feel pretty lucky when the NY Giants took that safety a week ago Monday night to allow the Buccaneers to win by 6 and beat the 5 1/2 point spread I had. That was the last game on my winning 3 team parlay.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I had Tennesee in the playoffs against the bills in the whole backward lateral controversy. I was happy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hit a middle last year, and now I have forgotten which game (lol), when the team leading by like 16 intercepted the ball in THEIR own endzone with no time left on the clock and proceeded to run it back 105 yards and DID NOT KICK the extra point. Nothing I'll ever see will beat that one for sheer improbability.

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