Just gagged with the sacks juiced, been sucking wind all season.
Does he secretely miss Manny in the lineup, was he juicing in the past, and has cycled off?
This isn't the same Papi this Yankee fan remembers.
not to mention varitek on juice also, but what happened to him...he doesn't even have warning track pop anymore...makes me think that whole redsox crew was hooked to the gills at the needle in the ass party
:>(just struck out again this guys is having worst year of carrer and dont really think hes gona get beter 3 ks with men all over bases. this guy cant even make contact
this cocksucker has left 7 men al by himself this guy needs some time on the bench isnt even playing in the field so if u aint hiting then ur sitting. between him and variteck they are 0-9 12 men left on thats just horible
it's amazing what steroids can do. It can turn a no name in the Twins organization into a Boston Red Sox legend. Unfortunate that this is going to be the response whenever a once great player is in a slump