Different times my friend. When I was a kid it was about 2 milesthis poor guy was wrongly accused by a third party, looks like they assumed guilt think the accuser actually knew something
mistakes are going to happen, in every walk of life
the truth is, if you don't resist arrest, if you don't have a gun in your hands, if you don't physically assault a police officer, if you don't choose to ignore their warnings, chances are microscopic that something bad something will happen to you, PERIOD
and that's the truth
Something similar happened to me - to make the story short - I went out partying with a girl - left her out at the bar - came home and went to sleep on my boat cuz I knew she was gonna start shit later and she would never look on the boat for me - woke up 4am to about 10 police ordering me off the boat with lasers swirling around me head - if I was black I was getting shot - if I moved quick I was getting shot - I walked backwards and they cuffed me - they took me around my house into a police car for 3 hours - I lost circulation to my arms because of the cuffs being on so long - my house had at least 20 police cars there - they didn't say shit to me for 3 hours - eventually they apologized and I was allowed back in my house - my house looked like a bloodbath - the girl broke a bathroom window and crawled through it - got stuck on the charred glass and them proceeded to drag herself through the window (yes, drugs and alcohol and latin) - then bleeding profusely she went through the house looking for me - I'm not mad at the police - they were under the assumption that I stabbed her - in this case the police were under the assumption this guy was stealing the car - it's logical to assume someone stealing a car might have a gun too (being black certainly increases this likelihood) - in the police mindset - theyre is a chance that they might die in seconds - they are scared - they don't want to take the smallest chance - this was bad luck for everyone involved