I am opposed to the death penalty, but I am a proponent of truth in sentencing, and life means life.
I believe it's cheaper to jail a person for life then it is to execute a person, taking all the legal costs into account. So finances is not the real issue here.
Since we are taking rights away anyway, might as well take them from prisoners too.
It should be way cheaper to execute somebody than house them for life.
Start with everybody on death row, I doubt any are innocent.
I'm sure we could find several hundred thousand people in prison, that need to die today, as they will surely commit more crimes when released.
I'd harvest their organs for donation ( if suitable) before killing them.
There are obvious career criminals, who are nothing but a danger to society, and they have no chance of going straight.
No long sentences, a couple of years max, if there might be a chance to reform the offender, if they commit repeated crimes, kill them.
I'd execute many on first offenses for stuff like murder.