Yeah lol....I can imagine Sick`s friends calling him....
Phone rings!!!!
Sicks "brother".... "Hey Claudio"
Sicks "brother"...WTF is the deal with this Turkey I just got...
Claude.....What!?! What Turkey?
Sicks "brother" ...I don`t know, I got a turkey shipped to me today from that Royal Sportsbook you signed me up at!?
>>>>Claude snickers briefly<<<<
Claude....Well just hold onto it I'll be over later!
Sicks "brother" Ok
Meanwhile upstairs Sicks mother hollars down the steps to his basement pad,lol..
Sicks mom "CLAUDE" Do you know why we have 5 turkeys outside???
Claude "snickers" again and goes back to sleep....
PHONE KEEPS RINGING!!! Its like that epsisode of WKRP in Cincinati..Turkeys EVERWHERE!