So which of the four selections just Failed and left you at -50?
It is still pending. Actually it is a $50 5 teamer that would have paid $2190.45 but I had the Royals Indians game under 8 @even that pushed.
The other 3 won and all that is left is the Colts-3 against the Lions Saturday.
Whats crazy is who I havent played with for 2 years sents me an email yesterday saying they missed my business and put a free $50 in my account, so I said fuck it and made a $50 5 teamer with it. I guess to withdraw money from a free cash bonus with them you have to make plays using 20X the free cash amount... So basically If I hit this I may just make one $1000 bet or 2 $500 dollar bets right after it and if one wins I am just gonna withdraw whats left.
Any thought opinions on what I should do if I hit this to be able to withdraw the money....Also thinking bout possibly hedging th Colts game but I just want to get the money out as soon as I can. Reading there rules they say that if I try to withdraw the money before hitting the rollover I forfeit all the money and the winnings so Iwanna makesure Ido this right.