Dr Carson is one of the Repubs that can absolutely win my vote if he gets through. So far, he's avoided the gutter talk of most of the loons. He's a sane, measured man, with an inspiring life story. He won't fly off the handle at things, one of the main attributes I look for in a President, and one of the real strengths of Obama.
He has, at times, had sane views on Gun Control, until the loons put him back in line, but that tells me his initial instincts are correct.
He needs to avoid Nazi and slavery talk.
He needs to stay on an even keel, not get into the gutter when talking about the opposition, and keep talking about his life story, about how a young person with none of the advantages, and many of the disadvantages, can get through to be a successful, contributing member of the society.
He needs to stress his belief in Science as a top neurosurgeon.