WILLIE99 writes with a tad bit of tongue in cheek, while honestly lamenting the clear future of the USA being increasingly less influenced by what white men over age 55 think is Best For All.
I type this as a 55 year old white man myself.
25 years from now...that's the year 2040
First, second and third generation immigrant families will likely be upwards of 35% Latino from somewhere south of the current US border. So naturally there will be increased benefit in both public and private businesses supporting a bilingual message.
That noted, by the year 2020, much less the year 2040, most people in the USA will have access to highly interactive apps on their phones and other cyber devices that allow for instant translation from most any langauge to another.
By the year 2040, most of what we currently communicate bia print will instead be communicated via another medium that includes some sort of touch screen interaction. A person will be able to simply touch anything written in English and have it instantly transcribed to the language of their choice.
Over the next 25 years the past 20+ years of reduced ability for government agencies to lie to the public they serve will expand, so it is logical to presume that most government operations ranging from military to education to health and human services will be less able to unduly exploit the populace.
This increased knowledge for the population at large will be reflected globally by a reduction in ignorance about how other people in other parts of the world live. Increased knowledge reduces irrational fear. Reduced irrational fear leads to a reduction in violence and killing.
Sure, there will likely still be a lot of people who promote one or more fears in order to justify their violent and murderous behaviors, but they will have a shrinking audience when they propose killing people who may very well be in direct communication with other people who live in the country promoting violence
Returning to population, we will see that "white" people in the USA will be a definitive minority, likely well under 50%. So political attention to "non-white" (Hispanics, Asians, Africans, South Americans etc) will logically expand.
The longstanding US-driven "War On Drugs" will be a distant memory, so the opportunities for goverment to arrest and imprison its citizenry will be reduced. Less people with criminal records will increase opportunities in both the educational and business world
More Americans than today will own their own business of one or more kinds. We have clearly reached a point in the year 2015 where the majority of "employee" jobs in America peak out at barely median household income. Smarter people will create in-house businesses selling and serving community needs that increase their financial options
Finally, make no mistake. The human beings of 2040 will be more highly evolved than the people of today, just as today's people are more highly evolved than those who preceded them.
However you choose to title it, God/Infinite Intelligence/Source Energy assures that each fresh expression of human comes hard-wired at a higher level of both intelligence and physical prowess than those who preceded them.
This is exciting news for anyone interested in living a longer than average (currently about 80 years) lifetime.
Bottom line, the future has never been brighter. Those who think otherwise will with sad irony experience exactly what they predict - a sad, below average future. Those of us who understand it will rock along, singing a song. Spending our days looking for ways to love one another and just plain feel good more often than not