What Went Wrong for Conservatives?


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Interesting read I saw over at Hannity's


Let’s face facts. Conservatives in ’08 have found themselves on the fringe. They were unable to stop John McCain from becoming the nominee in ’08. Conservatives are now faced with the choice of holding their nose and voting GOP, or running off to the third parties to vote their conscience and hand Obama a victory. There’s almost no chance of a comeback in the Senate, or even in the House.

So how did they get here?

I’m interested in what people think happened. Here’s my top five things that went wrong:

1. Bush: Before you scream BDS, hear me out. Bush ran as a Compassionate Conservative, and yet for almost half or more of his Presidency he couldn’t even find his veto pen to control a ballooning budget. Many of his own ideas are hardly Conservative.

And yet Conservatives turned out to defend him and support him in ’00 and ’04. That had the double effect of telling the GOP leadership that Conservatives didn’t need to be taken seriously, and of giving the public a false sense of what it means to be a Conservative… and they didn’t like it. In the end, Bush wasn’t a Conservative, but he did redefine the movement in a way that damaged it fatally.

The Solution: Conservatives should have turned on Bush in ’00. Since time travel isn’t possible the only hope for Conservatives is to leave the GOP, take the lumps of an Obama victory and rebuild.

2. On the Defense: I’ll be honest, I do not think Conservatives are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. I’m sympathetic to the Conservative cause and would vote for a real Conservative.

However, think of how many times a Conservative has to start one of their talking points with “I’m not a homophobe but I don’t support Gay Marriage.” Or: “I’m not a racist but I oppose Affirmative Action.” Or: “I’m not a Xenophobe, but I want to crack down on Illegal Immigration.” Conservatives have found themselves on the side of issues that have driven away voting block after voting block, isolating them from growing minority blocks. Its made people view the Conservative movement as, at best, unsympathetic, and at worst, monsters.

The Solution: Conservatives need to be more proactive at pointing out why their views are reasonable while finding a way to reach out to these minorities. Wanting secure borders shouldn’t automatically mean alienating Hispanics

3. Failure to convince: Conservatives have, since the rise of Right Wing Radio, been quite to laugh at, deride, and belittle moderates. Anyone that compromises even a little bit is driven from the party as a RINO. Anyone that disagrees is a dirty Lib.

Thanks to this attitudes, Conservatives are seen as fringe elements among Moderates and Independents (Point 1 doesn’t help). Why bother listening to someone that will deride and laugh at you if you dare to disagree? Conservatives have become the angry drunk of the political world: Unwilling to even try to be polite and a sure bet to get a punch in the nose before the night is over.

The Solution: Conservatives need a charismatic proponent for their platform. Someone that won’t immediately jump to attack politics when they encounter someone with different ideas and someone open minded enough to listen to the Moderates and Independents you need to win an election. And No, Fred Thompson wasn’t that guy on his best day. Right Wing Radio’s tactics of shouting over the objections of the other guy, ignoring him, and belittling your opponent sells ad time, but won’t win elections or influence anymore.

4. They waited too late: Lets call a spade a spade. Rush, Sean, and Savage were irrelevant in the ’08 Primaries. They waited too late to back a winner, and by the time they were supporting Romney McCain was carrying the votes. IIRC Rush didn’t even deliver his home county in Florida.

Conservatives as a whole remained divided in the primary and waited too long for those they saw as leaders to actually show leadership. If they want to have an impact, that can never happen again. Conservative leaders calculated voicing support too early could make them irrelevant if their candidate of choice fell short… and yet in the end waiting made them irrelevant anyway.

The Solution: Start planning for ’12 now. Identify rising Conservative leaders and draft them to start preparing now. Who cares if McCain wins in ’08. Make him fight in his own party in ’12. You might not dethrone him, but you’ll force the GOP to take you seriously far earlier than ’16.

5. Missed Opportunities: Bush’s Presidency is a collection of missed opportunities. Paying for the GWoT should have been the wedge issue to make entitlement cuts to pay for the war. Instead, the Federal Government borrowed to spend money on the war and undercut the dollar. The GWoT should have been the center piece of a new way to wage war on a new enemy. Instead its become the Cold War Pt. 2: The same play book, just less effective. 9/11 should have been a call to action, to buy bonds, to become first responders. Instead it was a call to go shopping.

Bush’s Whitehouse, which was called a “Conservative” administration has been missed opportunity after missed opportunity to help Conservatives realize their long term goals and define for Americans what it means to be a Conservative.

Lest you think this is Point 1 repeated, the blame isn’t entirely Bush’s. Frist and DeLay helped sink the Conservative name and goals into the mud from the Senate and the House. Gingrich, Rush, and Sean should have stepped up to voice the Conservative agenda as the voice of populace if the elected “Conservatives” wouldn’t. If they wouldn’t, we the people should have spoke up to demand action.

We didn’t, and probably the greatest opportunity to set this nation on a Conservative track disappeared, hijacked by NeoCons and worse.

The Solution: There isn’t one for this point. The ship sailed. The only “solution” is that Conservative voters, leaders, and politicians need to be more proactive in the future.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
"My message, I think, is that the evidence is sufficient that we should move toward the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon loading in the atmosphere." Gingrich's environmental ideas were revealed in his book, A Contract with the Earth. Gingrich supports tax breaks to mitigate carbon emissions instead of regulations such as cap-and-trade."

Whats wrong with that?!

Rx Junior
May 19, 2008
Me personally i think the Republican party is ok..Things couldnt be better..

Look at the economy, companies like EMC are hiring, homes are much much cheaper, gas is expensive so more people are walking and losing weight, it does wonders in reducing healthcare costs. And if we plan a few more wars in Iran and syria, then our kids wont have to worry much about ssn. They will be killed in these wars and thus no stress over debt or ssn..

I really think you are ok....Mccain will sweep this election and sail us to even calmer waters than we find this here American ship in.
Dec 11, 2006
The conservatives need a teacher, a likeable teacher. Someone who can point out the logic in conservatism, how conservative values backboned the growth of this country. How conservative values were embraced by the founders and the framers, and virtually all peoples of this country on it's path to recognized greatness.

Newt, as Willie pointed out, would be the likely choice. He is smart as smart comes in the political world. And he is capable of enunciating the conservative principles and how they are relevant to the problems this country faces today.

The problem Newt once had is that he was not likeable. He was abrasive and haughty. But I think he has softened in recent years and he may just be the guy we need to turn to.

This country became great by adhering to conservative values. I fear that it cannot and will not regain it's greatness until those values are once again the values of the vast majority of our citizens. Without them we will slide into the abyss of history. How it will happen is unclear but that it will happen is crystal clear to me unless we are somehow miraculously able to regain the value system we were built on.

Hate to say it but we need a conservative Obama, someone who can get the people to believe in the message. And we need to hurry.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"My message, I think, is that the evidence is sufficient that we should move toward the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon loading in the atmosphere." Gingrich's environmental ideas were revealed in his book, A Contract with the Earth. Gingrich supports tax breaks to mitigate carbon emissions instead of regulations such as cap-and-trade."

Whats wrong with that?!

Without going into detail on any one issue, I can honestly say I don't agree with anybody on everything.

As for an energy plan, Newt is spearheading a drill here and drill now petition, which I signed. He also advocates developing nuclear power.

With respect to any government program, I will almost always concur that free enterprise has to solve a problem, and should be encouraged to do so. I'm not an proponent of the government regulations will solve problems school of thinking.

Mar 7, 2005
The conservatives need a teacher, a likeable teacher. Someone who can point out the logic in conservatism, how conservative values backboned the growth of this country. How conservative values were embraced by the founders and the framers, and virtually all peoples of this country on it's path to recognized greatness.

Newt, as Willie pointed out, would be the likely choice. He is smart as smart comes in the political world. And he is capable of enunciating the conservative principles and how they are relevant to the problems this country faces today.

The problem Newt once had is that he was not likeable. He was abrasive and haughty. But I think he has softened in recent years and he may just be the guy we need to turn to.

This country became great by adhering to conservative values. I fear that it cannot and will not regain it's greatness until those values are once again the values of the vast majority of our citizens. Without them we will slide into the abyss of history. How it will happen is unclear but that it will happen is crystal clear to me unless we are somehow miraculously able to regain the value system we were built on.

Hate to say it but we need a conservative Obama, someone who can get the people to believe in the message. And we need to hurry.


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Fun Fact - Governor Palin's maiden name is the same as my own.

Not a lot of us Heaths running around, so always good to see one in deserving limelight.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Fun Fact - Governor Palin's maiden name is the same as my own.

Not a lot of us Heaths running around, so always good to see one in deserving limelight.

Guy I went to high school shares your last name and one of the chief political strategists for the New Democratic Party of Canada...Canada most left leaning major party

New member
Sep 26, 2004
I don't have to read the article: Bush was not a fiscal conservative.

Oct 16, 2004
2. On the Defense: I’ll be honest, I do not think Conservatives are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. I’m sympathetic to the Conservative cause and would vote for a real Conservative.
Conservatives may not be any of these things per se, but I can always spot a Republican in a crowd of people having a conversation just by the amount of times I hear him use the words I, me and they as opposed to us and we. In order for the Republicans to get another President in office after 8 years of Obama, this time they're going to have to be willing to cater to a bigger base. And next time do what Bush promised 8 years ago and didn't deliver, by actually becoming compassionate conservatives. This younger generation won't accept any less.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Obama doesn't have a 'message'. Seriously, what's his vision? "Hope" and "change"? He's a great orator with a teleprompter but when it comes to policy...nothing he says makes ANY sense, is remotely coherent or good for the country. If I owned a major TV network, I would cancel all my prime-time programming, offer him free air time and just give the guy a microphone and watch him step in it -- night after night. He's such a treat to watch because it is so transparent that he's making it up as he goes along. :missingte

The American people understand all this -- but they also sense a vacuum left by Bush (his lack of communication skills) that needs to be filled and right now Obambi is filling it. How this will all play out come Nov is anyone's guess.

Ronald Reagan may have been a great 'communicator' but his policies and positions (how he would win the cold war, restore the economy etc.) were well thought out and documented long before he became president. Reagan was a transformational president. The presidents who succeeded him (Bush I, Clinton and now Bush II) have been mostly of the caretaker variety.

Newt isn't "the one" -- neither is Huckabee. Willie, for crying out loud, forget them both! :ohno:

The 'teachers' you speak of, Michelangelo...they are out there, but won't step forward until we bottom out. Remember, natural born leaders don't gain any traction until they are desperately needed. It is true, the man DOES have to fit the times.

Right now times are good. To put things into a proper context, there's so much wealth and prosperity in this country, the biggest priority for Democrats is that 10% of Americans haven't bothered to purchase health insurance. And for this they say we need to overhaul the economy. It's true. folks, if you are a Democrat this is THE big 'crisis' facing your country. :ohno:

The day kids like Rob Funk discard their naive unrealistic ideologies, is the day you'll know real 'change' is on the way. These kids are searching for answers -- they will listen attentively if you are patient and don't talk down to them -- but they need to see their own naive idealism crash and burn before they will be willing to pick up the pieces and move onto something else. So one way or the other, twenty years from now, Rob Funk will be a true dyed-in-the-wool conservative because kids like Rob are too intelligent to not end up in the same predictable place of enlightenment. (I'm going to hold my tongue regarding some of the other moonbats, dementos and kooks in this forum. You might as well be trying convince them Elvis is actually dead.)

Europe is discarding the old failed ideas from the left and shifting more rightward -- they have to, because the welfare state is doomed to fail everywhere it is being implemented. Which just goes to show you that conservatism isn't a brand that is damaged at all....it just needs leadership that can properly articulate the principles and policies -- and why everything else is doomed to fail.

The fact is, Republicans had the House and Senate, a president with a 90% approval rating after the worst attack on US soil in history -- and then proceeded to squander EVERYTHING. Republicans had a golden opportunity to paint the electoral map permanently RED.

Of course it hurts but it's also the sobering truth. The hows and whys and whos are irrelevant. Republicans lost because we didn't adhere to our fundamental principles. Let's move on, rebuild and come roaring back. But that's for another time and another discussion.

Right now, whatever misgivings one may have about John McCain and those naughty Republicans, they remain the ONLY force in this country that can stop the left.

The blogs can't stop the left, the media WON'T stop the left, Libertarians can't stop the left....YOU can't stop the left...ONLY the Republican party can stop the left.

So for those of you who don't believe John McCain is conservative enough (and I'm one of them), how do you plan on undoing all the damage the left will inflict on this country if they solidify their positions in the House and Senate AND gain the presidency AND the courts?

Most Americans agree with me that the old George McGovern/Jimmy Carter politics will be BAD for America, so this alone is enough to vote for John McCain -- warts and all.

So this is my pitch:

If you love America and believe in it's traditional values, you have no choice but to hold your nose and vote for the only candidate and party (imperfect as they are) who can stop the totalitarian left.

Obama is a RADICAL leftist in liberal clothing. If we can expose him enough between now and Nov -- if we can make this election a referendum on HIM -- he'll start to crack and he'll lose. If we fail in our mission, the country is headed for dark times. Indeed, the WORLD is headed for dark times because there is a massive war about to break out in the middle-east and there is nothing -- NOTHING -- even an appeasing platitude-politician like Obambi can do stop the course of coming events.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country."
-- John F. Kennedy

It's not about ME ME ME ME (what can the government do for me?) it's about the WELFARE OF MY COUNTRY.

The welfare of my country is more important to me than whatever ill feelings I may have toward John McCain. The welfare of my country comes first before petty politics or hurt feelings. John McCain was not my first, second, third (or even FOURTH!!) choice...but so what?

Life rarely turns out how we expect. Do I wish we had another Reagan Reagan? Of course, but I also wish I could have played shortstop for the Yankees, cancer would be cured tomorrow and barnman would join Stalkers Anonymous.

Idealism was great when we were kids -- but at some point it's time to grow up.

Right now, as unpalatable as socialism is for most Americans, Democrats could essentially win the White House with a mannequin. That is how favorable this political climate is for the George Soros party. And that is not good, my friends...it means the electorate is thinking/behaving irrationally and hysterically. And doesn't life have a way of taking a turn for the worse whenever we allow our emotions to get the better of us?

Don't you dare be one of them. Hold your nose (if you must), but this coming Nov, do the honorable, sensible and patriotic thing:

Vote for John McCain! :103631605

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Mark's bipolar medications kicking in right on time at 5:40am as he gives us 2000+ words on why His Country is going to hell because of the Evil Libs

Just like a lazy Repub to blame the ills of his world on someone else.

Just like Old Times
Oct 30, 2006
Barman I did'nt read it because I have to go to work to pay taxes for deadbeats & illegals on liberal welfare but if he said something to fight for Conservatism then I'll defend him & say he happens to be right.

New member
Jan 28, 2005
What's wrong are these idiot Republicans will not listen to anyones concerns.

We have a jerk like Phil Gramm calling us a nation of whiners...How stupid is he and what an idiotic remark when people are hurting

And McCain finds himesel having to distance himself now from jerks like Gramm who make stupid statements when Americans are hurting.

These Republicans just don't get it until November when they are out on their asses and then who will be the whiners..

There is no end to the Republican stupidity, they just don't get it or don't care.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Joe, Newt is the man that brought leadership to the House, and passed his conservative agenda despite a Democratic president (don't recall who controlled the senate)

Newt passed a real conservative budget, and was the only one to even remotely address spending.

I love Ronnie, but spent almost as much as W. Both Ronnie & W cut taxes, but that's only half the battle.

Newt also speared Medicare reform, where he was attacked with nothing but lies driving up his negatives at the time. He wasn't afraid to tackle tough issues. Remember the government shut down during budget battles?

Medicare reform and SS reform are an absolute necessity, period.

Newt is a leader

Aug 10, 2005

As Mickey Edwards stated in this first interview was that the party started to change with Newt Gingrich.

Hour 1
Tune in for a rebroadcast of Marty's (Moss-Coane) conversation with former congressman Mickey Edwards. His new book is Reclaiming Conservatism: How a Great American Political Movement Got Lost — And How It Can Find Its Way Back. Edwards was a member of Congress for 16 years serving Oklahoma's 5th congressional district from 1977 to 1993. He currently teaches at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School.
Listen to this show via Real Audio

Check your local PBS station for times. Tonight at 9 p.m. West Coast time. Usually repeated early Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Bill Moyer's Journal

What's happened to the conservative movement in America? Conservatives Mickey Edwards and Ross Douthat discuss why they believe their movement has gone off track during the last eight years and what it means for the Republican Party.

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