Gentlemen, I agree with many or all the items you state for quality service. Although this may be so, I have to say that to hit the nail on the head for excellence in customer service, the person in CS, MUST be able to listen and comprehend the customers' needs.
Knowledge of procedures may be exact, but is is much more important for the person in CS to really understand the customers needs, to be able to comprehend him/her through all the communication barriers.
Communication is a two way street, many times these barriers get in the way of the customer getting his needs across. These needs must be comprehensible to even the most knowledgable cs agent in order to speed up the resolution process. Many times something simple can be resolved by BEING ABLE (many aren't able) to understand the need, the speed in which it must be resolved (many don't resolve fast enough) and ultimately by communcating back to the customer with the resolution. So a simple thing gets blown out of proportion, bringing on more barriers. That's bad business period.
Good CS is figuring out in a hurry, what a customer wants, getting that quick and politely and finally saying here you are. thank you have a nice day.... it's simple. But sometimes getting your message thru may not be simple. To make sure you get the best of your service when you have to communicate with your CS people, cause you eventually will have to email, liveperson or phone someone, get a readback, so simple.....
If you (the customer) are not sure they did not get you, ask to be transferred to someone you can understand clearly and who will return the favor. Access to the head of department should always be available. If they are not, cs response should be to take a message and get the head to email or call you, or expect a call back in X minutes. Always get a readback, as a consumer, get a name, rank or something, and most CS agents snap to attention and begin to acquire comprehension. The good ones wont want to go to the head with something they are being paid to do. Trust me. I am on the other side and want to help.
Good luck to all..