I have no problem taking issue with Vit and have told him many times he should do things differently. He disagrees, usually with respect. We have gone at each other often in here. I'll tell him right now he sdhould stop with the Franco shit but I know it won't sink in why so I don't. However via PM we've always been cool. I believe his invites are true offers. I'm having another bunch of needles stuck in my back over the ASB. If I can stand up straight with screaming afterwards I'll go meet him for a game at CBP.
Hahaha, is he still talking about Franco? too funny
vittard's as asshole, "my google review" is a case in point. He thought he had something on me, while I enjoy laughing at Franco. I posted the entire review, I answered all questions and I'm happy to let reasonable minds come to their own conclusions. I know there are assholes out-there, I really don't care what they think. I'm only posting this now to remind you how wrong you are about him. If his other behavior didn't convince you, this story should. Remember, Franco is a man I spent less than 60 minutes with, never did any work for, told multiple lies and inconsistencies in his review about our brief encounter which I can or have already proved wrong, made my wife cry while I was still in ICU and tried to extort money from me within one month of my quadruple bypass surgery. Franco's a POS, just like Vittard, hence he's Vittard's hero. The type of people I wouldn't give the time of day to.
Throw in multiple bannings, million dollar poker winnings, running from bets, running from tournaments, gambling thousands on multiple games every day, thinks Hillary's problems are all the result of a vast right wing conspiracy, fights with far too many forum members (including many who don't venture into this sewer) and baddafuckingbing, you have a fucking idiot that happens to be a fucking asshole, that's some powerful stupid right there
The moral of this story? you're categorically incorrect, he's the epitome of a loser.
And reading your post reminded me of something I said I'd look into for you