There is no stat!
Theres no way any game of any sport or any league, can say THERES THIS STAT I LOVE TO FOLLOW, IT WORKS EVERYTIME!! LOL
Man, there are close to about 26 Different aspects of capping for Each sport, Some mentioned allready, some not
I mean Sure Starting goalies, Recent Form, History between the two involved, Both recent and In some cases over a longer span, Injuries, Weather (In obvious Sports), Coaches who make changes during the week to certain aspects (Aka Line Changes, QB Changes, Point Guard Changes), I mean where does it end? And yes i could go on.
Some Stat about ONE THING?
No way there is A STAT to chase/follow/Count on, to help with the outcome of games
Kinda like the Mental midgets we see saying I HAVE A SYSTEM!!
Yeah sure you do, youre a fuckin idiot who's too stupid to really cap games, so you think you can x/+/-/% better instead?
The day a Mathematical solution can determine the outcome of a sports contest? Ask everyone whos tried that Brilliant theory!! Rocket Scientists using Sheridans This and This guys pythagorian theory, multiplied by the Glow chart from Barbie's closet, added to the Air Pressure in the Bat Mobile's Front two tires, Divised by the Weight of your mothers Ass !!
Yeah, keep that lunacy, get a rope and chair and call it good!! LOL
So anyway, i say there is NO indiv stat that can do it for you, there are to many aspects to it all, and more to those too... Just My Opinion i guess , Sorry if i offended - kinda lol %^_