It all starts with money mgmt. and enough self discipline to do only what you set out to do. You should have no less than three outs with dime lines or less on the vig, play most of your bankroll between 2%-3% each game and set 5% as a max for only certain plays you find an edge that really stands out. Don't put a numbered limit on these type of plays cause you don't know how many you might find in a season. Pull the trigger, the devil hates a coward. Passing games is allowed. They play the National Anthum someplace everyday. Whats not allowed is playing games just because they are gonna be watched by you on tv. Thats an impulse disorder kicking in and you had better learn how to recognize it and deal with it cause you are gonna go on tilt and that is not allowed. Bankroll mgmt. is far more important than picking winners. As for losing, it's part of the game. Learn how to accept it as a lesson, not a mistake. It will help you get past the thinking that you cannot do what you set out to do. So remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. So learn from them, or you will repeat them till you get it, or just stay stuck doing the same thing over and over again. Learn to modify your betting habits and tweek certain parts of your journey down this road called gambeling. Good Luck and may you find success down the rabbit hole.