What is the worst thing you have heard or read someone say about Obama?


RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I don't care if its racist or horribly offensive or what.

Like he's a Muslim and prays on the Koran or whatever.

I'll get the ball rolling. I bet he rounds up all the white people and locks them up, except for hot white chicks.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
worst thing folks say is he is half black......i can live with this idocy

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
Obama went to a catholic school in Kenya. His entire family was muslim, These are facts we can agree on i hope.
The school is run by the catholics but thats as far as it goes. In any muslim country it is punishable by death to teach christianity to a muslim. In the catholic schools there when it is time for religious classes the muslims go one way and the christians another. They cannot be together. Obama could not have attended the christian classes they would never allow that he being from an entirely muslim family.
Again all facts, we know until the time he moved to Hawaii he went to the schools and was raised as a muslim...
We have no evidence he ever attended a christian church until he joined Trinity Black Unity Church pastored by an ex- muslim himself. There is a no documentation of a "baptism", "conversion" or any other common christian practice.
He does not not nor does he allow his family to observe christmas..another strictly musim practice.
He does not nor does he allow his family to observe birthdays....another muslim practice.
He doesnt sing along or put his hand up for the national anthem but calls the muslim call to prayer "beautiful" and can sing it himself at the drop of a hat....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rGYK8qyVaRU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rGYK8qyVaRU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Now somebody list for me all the evidence we have that he is anything but a muslim..........

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Obama went to a catholic school in Kenya. His entire family was muslim, These are facts we can agree on i hope.
The school is run by the catholics but thats as far as it goes. In any muslim country it is punishable by death to teach christianity to a muslim. In the catholic schools there when it is time for religious classes the muslims go one way and the christians another. They cannot be together. Obama could not have attended the christian classes they would never allow that he being from an entirely muslim family.
Again all facts, we know until the time he moved to Hawaii he went to the schools and was raised as a muslim...
We have no evidence he ever attended a christian church until he joined Trinity Black Unity Church pastored by an ex- muslim himself. There is a no documentation of a "baptism", "conversion" or any other common christian practice.
He does not not nor does he allow his family to observe christmas..another strictly musim practice.
He does not nor does he allow his family to observe birthdays....another muslim practice.
He doesnt sing along or put his hand up for the national anthem but calls the muslim call to prayer "beautiful" and can sing it himself at the drop of a hat....

<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/rGYK8qyVaRU&hl=en&fs=1 width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

Now somebody list for me all the evidence we have that he is anything but a muslim..........

So what do you think he is going to do, blow up the White House?

I don't know you from a hole-in-the-wall, but one thing I know, is that you are someone has not traveled or seen much of the world, as you appear to about as stupid as anyone that posts on this forum.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Obama went to a catholic school in Kenya. His entire family was muslim, These are facts we can agree on i hope.
The school is run by the catholics but thats as far as it goes. In any muslim country it is punishable by death to teach christianity to a muslim. In the catholic schools there when it is time for religious classes the muslims go one way and the christians another. They cannot be together. Obama could not have attended the christian classes they would never allow that he being from an entirely muslim family.
Again all facts, we know until the time he moved to Hawaii he went to the schools and was raised as a muslim...
We have no evidence he ever attended a christian church until he joined Trinity Black Unity Church pastored by an ex- muslim himself. There is a no documentation of a "baptism", "conversion" or any other common christian practice.
He does not not nor does he allow his family to observe christmas..another strictly musim practice.
He does not nor does he allow his family to observe birthdays....another muslim practice.
He doesnt sing along or put his hand up for the national anthem but calls the muslim call to prayer "beautiful" and can sing it himself at the drop of a hat....

<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/rGYK8qyVaRU&hl=en&fs=1 width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

Now somebody list for me all the evidence we have that he is anything but a muslim..........
like i said i can live with the idiocy


A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Jun 25, 2008
i once heard someone say he was black. dont get much worse than that folks..

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
I don't know you from a hole-in-the-wall, but one thing I know, is that you are someone has not traveled or seen much of the world, as you appear to about as stupid as anyone that posts on this forum.

Bubba the man asked a question and i answered him with facts...i dont see an opinion in the post......Kind of like not seeing a fact in your response..

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
The worst thing so far is they he is President. Other then that it has been all good.
May 16, 2006
This is just a tip of the iceberg (let me know if you want more)

They don’t even like to be called liberal — the PC term is “progressive,” as if any part of their agenda would mark progress by any sane measure. Now comes Barack Obama, liberal chameleon par excellence. The man presents himself as a blank slate and through vacuous platitudes like “change” and “hope” invites his followers to write their own version of what he stands for. But throughout the campaign, clues have come out about the real Obama, and the picture they start to form is not a pretty one, and it may even portend dire consequences should he ascend to the Oval Office. There were the little things, like not wearing a flag pin like other candidates, or not putting hand over heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, or the way his wife said last week that she had never been proud of her country before. There was the confusion about his religion, how he was born Barack Hussein Obama, attended a Muslim school according to his own book, was raised by a Muslim stepfather, but now claims to be a Christian, though his is a decidedly radical church. Then there are the people he claims as role models: the anti-Semitic pastor Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., who admires Louis Farrakhan; his self-described mentor “Frank,” who turns out to be the communist poet Frank Marshall Davis. Also consider some of the people he has been associated with: communist college professor William Ayers, with his wife Bernadine Dorhn, was a founder of the Weather Underground, a group that planted bombs at the Capitol and Pentagon and committed robberies in the seventies. In 1995, Obama attended a function at their house. According to the New York Sun, Ayers and Obama served together on the board of the nonprofit Woods Fund for three years beginning in 1999, and they have also appeared jointly on two academic panels, in 1997 and in 2001. In 2001, Obama accepted a $200 contribution from Ayers, according to officials with his campaign. On the day the Twin Towers were destroyed, 9/11/2001, Ayers was quoted by the New York Times: “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Ayers, who was never convicted of the Weather Underground bombings, is a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Obama’s inclinations also appear in his choice of staff. According to columnist Debbie Schlussel, despite Obama’s campaign denouncement of Louis Farrakhan, Obama continues to employ a number of Nation of Islam members in high positions. When a former associate of Obama’s raised objections to Nation of Islam acolytes being put in positions of power, “Mr. Obama’s position was that he saw nothing wrong with the Nation of Islam and didn’t think it was a problem.” If true, then Obama’s denouncement of Farrakhan is a transparent lie. According to Schlussel, the same informant says that Obama is strongly anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. The Web site of Palestinian activist and Obama acquaintance Ali Abunimah features photos of Obama and his wife attending a fundraiser for the late Edward Said, an adviser of Yasser Arafat’s. The accompanying article documents Abunimah’s dismay that Obama publicly changed his stance on Israel to win Jewish votes and contributions. And there is his opposition to fighting against terrorism, with his express plan to plunder the U.S. military budget to pay for his $800 billion (and counting) of proposed new spending. Obama’s following is almost cultlike in its character and in its inability to tolerate discussion of what the man truly stands for. And Obama himself isn’t forthcoming. But there are plenty of signs that whatever is truly in Obama’s heart, the good of the country is not at the top of the list.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Obama went to a catholic school in Kenya. His entire family was muslim, These are facts we can agree on i hope.
The school is run by the catholics but thats as far as it goes. In any muslim country it is punishable by death to teach christianity to a muslim. In the catholic schools there when it is time for religious classes the muslims go one way and the christians another. They cannot be together. Obama could not have attended the christian classes they would never allow that he being from an entirely muslim family.
Again all facts, we know until the time he moved to Hawaii he went to the schools and was raised as a muslim...
We have no evidence he ever attended a christian church until he joined Trinity Black Unity Church pastored by an ex- muslim himself. There is a no documentation of a "baptism", "conversion" or any other common christian practice.
He does not not nor does he allow his family to observe christmas..another strictly musim practice.
He does not nor does he allow his family to observe birthdays....another muslim practice.
He doesnt sing along or put his hand up for the national anthem but calls the muslim call to prayer "beautiful" and can sing it himself at the drop of a hat....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rGYK8qyVaRU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rGYK8qyVaRU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Now somebody list for me all the evidence we have that he is anything but a muslim..........

So because he's Muslim he can't be a great president? Being Muslim is like a character flaw? hahahahaha

Pretty much anything negative one can say about Islam could also be said about Christianity.
May 16, 2006
Birthplace, religion, black liberation theology, passport, Pakistan, school expenses and records, house deal, friends, mentors and clients.

These are among the questions that despite months of campaigning for the presidency, thousands of hours in front of reporters and cameras, and hundreds of members of a massive campaign staff, the public still doesn't have fully answered about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

Just four years ago, Obama essentially was an unknown state legislator who with the help of the Chicago political system took over a seat in the U.S. Senate. He stated then he was unqualified for national office, but within about two years launched his bid for the White House, knocking off one of the powerhouses of Democratic politics, Sen. Hillary Clinton, in the primaries.

The questions, then, abound as he's proposed giving the United Nations hundreds of billions of dollars, promised 95 percent of Americans a tax cut and pledged to pursue environmental campaigns even if coal companies go bankrupt as a result.

He's also stated the U.S. Supreme Court should have stepped beyond the Constitution and ventured into plans for wealth redistribution, he's told a plumber his goal is just to "spread the wealth," and his wife has said people will need to give up their piece of the pie so that others can have more.

All without answers to key questions.

Among the issues remaining to be explained fully are his acquaintances in his Chicago political career, who include:

* Antoin "Tony" Rezko, an associate of Arab-Syrian descent who was a campaign fundraiser for Obama. Obama returned an estimated $225,000 in Rezko-generated campaign contributions since Obama first ran for Illinois state senate in 1995, but Rezko also assisted when Obama bought a $4 million dream property in Hyde Park. Currently Rezko's a convicted federal felon.

* Professor Edward Said, a Muslim professor at the University of Chicago who was strongly pro-Palestinian and pro-Arab. He promoted Barack and Michelle Obama in the Chicago Arab community. He's deceased.

* Rashid Khalidi, a Muslim professor at the University of Chicago and Columbia University who was funded by Woods Fund grants approved by Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. Khalidi founded the Arab-American Action Network and is the author of several strongly pro-Paliestinian, anti-Israel books.

* Ali Abunimah, a Palestian-American Muslim journalist who promoted Obama in his writings and was editor of "The Electronic Intifada" of the Arab American Action Network. He claims Obama has modified his pro-Palestinian position.

* Nadhmi Auchi, a Muslim Iraqi billionaire who is the cousin of Saddam Hussein. He wired more than $3 million as a "loan" to Mrs. Rezko when the Obamas purchased their dream property. He's the largest private shareholder of Bank BPH in Paris and was the reputed bagman for Saddam Huseein in the "oil for fuel" U.N. scandal. He was fined $3 million and given a 15-month prison term in France for his involvement in $100 million in illegal commissions in a scandal involving French oil giant Elf Aquitane.

* Aihm Alsammarae, a Muslim Iraqi who is the former Iraqi minister of electricity. He contributed $2,500 to the Obama 2008 campaign and is a close friend of Rezko. He ran a scheme to corner the Iraqi cellular phone market and was sprung from an Iraqi prison in 2006 by a mysterious group of masked and heavily armed men who broke him out of prison. He fled to Chicago.

* Jabir Herert Huhammad, son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad, now deceased. Federal prosecutors alleged that Huhammad participated with Abdelhamid Chaib and Rezko in a scheme to use money borrowed from Mutual Bank of Harvey for allegedly fraudulent real estate deals. The bank is owned by Amrish Mahajan, an Indian and CEO of the bank, which lent $3.4 million to Rezko.

* Abdelhamid "Ali" Chaib, a Muslim who is a long-time Rezko associate who ran Crucial Concessions Food Business set up by Jabir Muhammad and allegedly was involved in a $1.32 million partner scheme to securitize loans, in part to assist Jabir Herert Huhammad purchase a pizza franchise that questionably added to the Rezko-Jabir Muhammad food concessions business. Obama returned to Chaib in 2004 a $5,000 campaign contribution made in 2003 to Obama's 2004 U.S. Senate campaign after Chaib's indictment in the alleged Crucial Concessions Food fraud scheme was announced.

* Davis Miner Branhill & Galland. This was the law firm for which Obama worked starting in 1993. While there he represented "Rezmar," a community development firm owned by Tony Rezko and Dan Mahru that bilked low-income community housing projects that borrowed billions for property developments allegedly made fraudently. Eleven of the 30 alleged failed Rezmar properties were in Obama's state senate district.

Then also there are the influences on Obama's career, from the one-time writer of a sex novel, Frank Marshall Davis, to unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, with whom Obama served on boards.

This is significant since voters have only a few years of Obama's U.S. Senate record on which to judge him, and while a state legislator he voted dozens of times "present" in moves that would not reveal support for or opposition to an issue or position.

Among the subjects of those questions are:

* Frank Marshall Davis, a communist poet and journalist from Chicago who moved to Hawaii. He ghost-wrote a pornographic novel titled "Sexual Rebel: Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet)." He also sold drugs from a Chicago-style hot dog stand while Obama and Obama's grandfather were present, according to allegations made by a WND private investigator hired in Hawaii. According to Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," Davis was a close confident to Obama, influencing Obama's ideas on radical racial relations. He is deceased.

* Malcom X, Stokely Carmichael and Frantz Fanon were three radical, anti-white black rage authors Obama tells readers influenced him as a youth. Black-rage attitudes developed by reading the authors influenced both Obama's decision to become a radical community organizer in Chicago and to join Rev. Jeremiah Wright's black liberation theology Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

* Saul Alinksy. Obama's first job in Chicago was to head the Alinsky-influenced Developing Community Project, Inc. Obama also participated in teaching Alinsky-methods of radical income redistribution in classroom settings. Obama's current policies of "distributing wealth" stem from anti-capitalist attitudes developed in studying Alinsky's radical works, such as his seminal book entitled "Rules for Radicals."

* Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Pastor for 20 years while Obama was a practicing member of black liberation theology at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Obama heard anti-white, black-rage theology from Wright. The first indication Obama was Christian was when he was baptized in his 30s as a member of United Church of Christ. Obama separated from the congregation after Wright became a campaign liability, although Obama has yet to reject black liberation theology.

* William Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn. Members of the SDS-affiliated radical Weather Underground in the 1960s and 1970s. Obama began his political career at Ayers' home in 1995 when running for the Illinois state senate. Obama served with Ayers on two Chicago foundations, the Annenberg Challenge and the Woods Fund, giving millions in grants to radicalized programs in Chicago's schools. Obama now claims to disavow Ayers' radical politicals.

* Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga. He's a Luo tribesman affiliated with Obama's father when Odinga's communist father was Kenya's first vice president after Kenyan independence and Obama's father was a Harvard-educated economist working in the Jomo Kenyatta government. Obama campaigned openly for Odinga for president in 2006 when Obama was in Kenya on a U.S. Senate "fact-finding" mission. Kenya's president Kibaki asked Obama to stop interfering with Kenyan presidential politics. Obama raised an alleged $1 million for Odinga to run for president in Kenya in December 2007, adding to the $1 million raised for Odinga's 2007 presidential campaign by Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. When Odinga lost the December 2007 presidential election by approximately 233,000 votes, Odinga called for protests which led his Luo tribesmen to murder approximately 1,000 Kikuyu tribesman, displace another 350,000 Kikuyu tribesmen and destroy 800 churches, while not a single mosque was destroyed. Obama helped negotiate a settlement in which Odinga was appointed co-head-of-state and appointed prime minister to end the violence, even after it became publicly disclosed Odinga signed a letter of understanding with radical Muslims in Kenya in return for their votes.

Finally, these are the top questions about Obama that remain unanswered:

1. Why won’t Obama allow the public to see his doctor-generated, hospital-released birth certificate?

2. Was Obama born in Kenya or Hawaii, as his campaign continues to maintain?

3. Was Obama officially adopted by his Muslim stepfather when he lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather, from the ages of approximately 6 to 10 years old?

4. Did Obama ever renounce his U.S. passport? Has Obama ever traveled internationally on a passport other than a U.S. State Department-issued passport?

5. Did Obama travel to Pakistan as a student on a U.S. passport, or on an Indonesian passport? Why did Obama travel to Pakistan, who did he visit there and what was the purpose of the trip?

6. How did Obama pay his tuition at the exclusive high school preparatory Punahou Academy he attended in Hawaii, as well as his college tuition at Occidental in California and at Columbia at New York?

7. How did Obama pay his tuition at Harvard Law School?

8. Why will Obama release none of the school records at any of the schools he attended?

9. Obama’s school records in Indonesia show that at both the Catholic and public school he attended there he was registered as a “Muslim” and an “Indonesian Citizen.” Was Obama ever officially instructed in Islam, even in elementary school?

10. Why has Obama refused to discuss the clients he served when he worked for the law firm of Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland in Chicago?

11. Did Obama ever receive any money from the millions Rezko borrowed to redevelop the low-income housing projects in Chicago that Rezko evidently defrauded of the improvements contracted by Obama's firm?

12. Has Obama’s campaign instituted sufficient fiscal controls to determine if any credit card contributions made to his 2008 presidential campaign have come illegally from foreign sources? Have any such foreign contributions been reported to Federal Election Commission authorities and returned, as required by federal law?

13. Has Obama ever renounced black liberation theology as espoused by its chief apologist, James Cone?

14. Has Obama ever renounced Islam?

15. Why have the detailed minutes and funding activities of the Woods Fund and the Annenberg Challenge documents in which William Ayers and Barack Obama participated never been completely released to the public?

While no campaign ever will put to rest every question voters may have, these questions are significant in that the next occupant of the White House will be making decisions on the security of the nation and issues of life and death based in large part on his beliefs and life experience.
May 16, 2006
Let me know if you want more. I'll be happy to oblige.

Having posted all this John McCain was not worthy either.

Apr 10, 2007

New member
Dec 17, 2005
Birthplace, religion, black liberation theology, passport, Pakistan, school expenses and records, house deal, friends, mentors and clients.

These are among the questions that despite months of campaigning for the presidency, thousands of hours in front of reporters and cameras, and hundreds of members of a massive campaign staff, the public still doesn't have fully answered about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

Just four years ago, Obama essentially was an unknown state legislator who with the help of the Chicago political system took over a seat in the U.S. Senate. He stated then he was unqualified for national office, but within about two years launched his bid for the White House, knocking off one of the powerhouses of Democratic politics, Sen. Hillary Clinton, in the primaries.

The questions, then, abound as he's proposed giving the United Nations hundreds of billions of dollars, promised 95 percent of Americans a tax cut and pledged to pursue environmental campaigns even if coal companies go bankrupt as a result.

He's also stated the U.S. Supreme Court should have stepped beyond the Constitution and ventured into plans for wealth redistribution, he's told a plumber his goal is just to "spread the wealth," and his wife has said people will need to give up their piece of the pie so that others can have more.

All without answers to key questions.

Among the issues remaining to be explained fully are his acquaintances in his Chicago political career, who include:

* Antoin "Tony" Rezko, an associate of Arab-Syrian descent who was a campaign fundraiser for Obama. Obama returned an estimated $225,000 in Rezko-generated campaign contributions since Obama first ran for Illinois state senate in 1995, but Rezko also assisted when Obama bought a $4 million dream property in Hyde Park. Currently Rezko's a convicted federal felon.

* Professor Edward Said, a Muslim professor at the University of Chicago who was strongly pro-Palestinian and pro-Arab. He promoted Barack and Michelle Obama in the Chicago Arab community. He's deceased.

* Rashid Khalidi, a Muslim professor at the University of Chicago and Columbia University who was funded by Woods Fund grants approved by Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. Khalidi founded the Arab-American Action Network and is the author of several strongly pro-Paliestinian, anti-Israel books.

* Ali Abunimah, a Palestian-American Muslim journalist who promoted Obama in his writings and was editor of "The Electronic Intifada" of the Arab American Action Network. He claims Obama has modified his pro-Palestinian position.

* Nadhmi Auchi, a Muslim Iraqi billionaire who is the cousin of Saddam Hussein. He wired more than $3 million as a "loan" to Mrs. Rezko when the Obamas purchased their dream property. He's the largest private shareholder of Bank BPH in Paris and was the reputed bagman for Saddam Huseein in the "oil for fuel" U.N. scandal. He was fined $3 million and given a 15-month prison term in France for his involvement in $100 million in illegal commissions in a scandal involving French oil giant Elf Aquitane.

* Aihm Alsammarae, a Muslim Iraqi who is the former Iraqi minister of electricity. He contributed $2,500 to the Obama 2008 campaign and is a close friend of Rezko. He ran a scheme to corner the Iraqi cellular phone market and was sprung from an Iraqi prison in 2006 by a mysterious group of masked and heavily armed men who broke him out of prison. He fled to Chicago.

* Jabir Herert Huhammad, son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad, now deceased. Federal prosecutors alleged that Huhammad participated with Abdelhamid Chaib and Rezko in a scheme to use money borrowed from Mutual Bank of Harvey for allegedly fraudulent real estate deals. The bank is owned by Amrish Mahajan, an Indian and CEO of the bank, which lent $3.4 million to Rezko.

* Abdelhamid "Ali" Chaib, a Muslim who is a long-time Rezko associate who ran Crucial Concessions Food Business set up by Jabir Muhammad and allegedly was involved in a $1.32 million partner scheme to securitize loans, in part to assist Jabir Herert Huhammad purchase a pizza franchise that questionably added to the Rezko-Jabir Muhammad food concessions business. Obama returned to Chaib in 2004 a $5,000 campaign contribution made in 2003 to Obama's 2004 U.S. Senate campaign after Chaib's indictment in the alleged Crucial Concessions Food fraud scheme was announced.

* Davis Miner Branhill & Galland. This was the law firm for which Obama worked starting in 1993. While there he represented "Rezmar," a community development firm owned by Tony Rezko and Dan Mahru that bilked low-income community housing projects that borrowed billions for property developments allegedly made fraudently. Eleven of the 30 alleged failed Rezmar properties were in Obama's state senate district.

Then also there are the influences on Obama's career, from the one-time writer of a sex novel, Frank Marshall Davis, to unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, with whom Obama served on boards.

This is significant since voters have only a few years of Obama's U.S. Senate record on which to judge him, and while a state legislator he voted dozens of times "present" in moves that would not reveal support for or opposition to an issue or position.

Among the subjects of those questions are:

* Frank Marshall Davis, a communist poet and journalist from Chicago who moved to Hawaii. He ghost-wrote a pornographic novel titled "Sexual Rebel: Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet)." He also sold drugs from a Chicago-style hot dog stand while Obama and Obama's grandfather were present, according to allegations made by a WND private investigator hired in Hawaii. According to Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," Davis was a close confident to Obama, influencing Obama's ideas on radical racial relations. He is deceased.

* Malcom X, Stokely Carmichael and Frantz Fanon were three radical, anti-white black rage authors Obama tells readers influenced him as a youth. Black-rage attitudes developed by reading the authors influenced both Obama's decision to become a radical community organizer in Chicago and to join Rev. Jeremiah Wright's black liberation theology Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

* Saul Alinksy. Obama's first job in Chicago was to head the Alinsky-influenced Developing Community Project, Inc. Obama also participated in teaching Alinsky-methods of radical income redistribution in classroom settings. Obama's current policies of "distributing wealth" stem from anti-capitalist attitudes developed in studying Alinsky's radical works, such as his seminal book entitled "Rules for Radicals."

* Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Pastor for 20 years while Obama was a practicing member of black liberation theology at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Obama heard anti-white, black-rage theology from Wright. The first indication Obama was Christian was when he was baptized in his 30s as a member of United Church of Christ. Obama separated from the congregation after Wright became a campaign liability, although Obama has yet to reject black liberation theology.

* William Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn. Members of the SDS-affiliated radical Weather Underground in the 1960s and 1970s. Obama began his political career at Ayers' home in 1995 when running for the Illinois state senate. Obama served with Ayers on two Chicago foundations, the Annenberg Challenge and the Woods Fund, giving millions in grants to radicalized programs in Chicago's schools. Obama now claims to disavow Ayers' radical politicals.

* Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga. He's a Luo tribesman affiliated with Obama's father when Odinga's communist father was Kenya's first vice president after Kenyan independence and Obama's father was a Harvard-educated economist working in the Jomo Kenyatta government. Obama campaigned openly for Odinga for president in 2006 when Obama was in Kenya on a U.S. Senate "fact-finding" mission. Kenya's president Kibaki asked Obama to stop interfering with Kenyan presidential politics. Obama raised an alleged $1 million for Odinga to run for president in Kenya in December 2007, adding to the $1 million raised for Odinga's 2007 presidential campaign by Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. When Odinga lost the December 2007 presidential election by approximately 233,000 votes, Odinga called for protests which led his Luo tribesmen to murder approximately 1,000 Kikuyu tribesman, displace another 350,000 Kikuyu tribesmen and destroy 800 churches, while not a single mosque was destroyed. Obama helped negotiate a settlement in which Odinga was appointed co-head-of-state and appointed prime minister to end the violence, even after it became publicly disclosed Odinga signed a letter of understanding with radical Muslims in Kenya in return for their votes.

Finally, these are the top questions about Obama that remain unanswered:

1. Why won’t Obama allow the public to see his doctor-generated, hospital-released birth certificate?

2. Was Obama born in Kenya or Hawaii, as his campaign continues to maintain?

3. Was Obama officially adopted by his Muslim stepfather when he lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather, from the ages of approximately 6 to 10 years old?

4. Did Obama ever renounce his U.S. passport? Has Obama ever traveled internationally on a passport other than a U.S. State Department-issued passport?

5. Did Obama travel to Pakistan as a student on a U.S. passport, or on an Indonesian passport? Why did Obama travel to Pakistan, who did he visit there and what was the purpose of the trip?

6. How did Obama pay his tuition at the exclusive high school preparatory Punahou Academy he attended in Hawaii, as well as his college tuition at Occidental in California and at Columbia at New York?

7. How did Obama pay his tuition at Harvard Law School?

8. Why will Obama release none of the school records at any of the schools he attended?

9. Obama’s school records in Indonesia show that at both the Catholic and public school he attended there he was registered as a “Muslim” and an “Indonesian Citizen.” Was Obama ever officially instructed in Islam, even in elementary school?

10. Why has Obama refused to discuss the clients he served when he worked for the law firm of Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland in Chicago?

11. Did Obama ever receive any money from the millions Rezko borrowed to redevelop the low-income housing projects in Chicago that Rezko evidently defrauded of the improvements contracted by Obama's firm?

12. Has Obama’s campaign instituted sufficient fiscal controls to determine if any credit card contributions made to his 2008 presidential campaign have come illegally from foreign sources? Have any such foreign contributions been reported to Federal Election Commission authorities and returned, as required by federal law?

13. Has Obama ever renounced black liberation theology as espoused by its chief apologist, James Cone?

14. Has Obama ever renounced Islam?

15. Why have the detailed minutes and funding activities of the Woods Fund and the Annenberg Challenge documents in which William Ayers and Barack Obama participated never been completely released to the public?

While no campaign ever will put to rest every question voters may have, these questions are significant in that the next occupant of the White House will be making decisions on the security of the nation and issues of life and death based in large part on his beliefs and life experience.

I'd just like to point out that this was written by Jerome R. Corsi, a man who doesn't believe in dinosaurs.

New member
Dec 17, 2005
P.S. -- You've made me money this year, VOR, but now I'm going to feel dirty when I tail your NFL plays.

Anyway, thanks.
May 16, 2006
P.S. -- You've made me money this year, VOR, but now I'm going to feel dirty when I tail your NFL plays.

Anyway, thanks.

I don't like Corsi either my friend. I just think he brings up some real concerns here. I have over 30 articles on Obama in which I could post that should raise some type of suspicion about his background, ideals, etc. Over 20 articles on McCain that I can post as well. I don't give a fcuk who the author is as long as he bring something to the table thats worth looking at. For example I don't agree with Ayn Rand (read atlas shrugged) in most of her principle ideas but I think shes worth reading.

Don't feel dirty just be more open minded. Just because you vote or like someone doesn't mean you should just disregard any legimate concerns about the individual. Thats the problem with our country. We don't ask the question why.

I cap football the same way. Look at the pro's/con's, perception/reality, etc.

I'm a pretty fucking good judge of character and most people I know would attest to that. I own a restaurant in which I hire/fire every individual that comes through those doors. I'll tell you this right now something about Obama is a little off. A level of deception, secrecy is behind the man that just doesn't make feel comfortable. I've been wrong before but not often.

never doubt VOR :drink:

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