JJ I think its more like this...
55 % lurkers
45% posters
Look at the stats at the botom of the page,,,it tells you who is here...
There are currently 101 members and 125 guests on the boards.
5teamparlay, assassin, ATX, Axelp, bag of tricks, BEANTOWNJIM, betmonkey, BeverlyHillsBookie, bigboydan, BigGamesOnly, BigRagu, Bluegrass, bonezy, bucsfan67, bunyon, BZ, CardFather, CDL, Celaya, chic's fridge, Chris@ Olympic Sports, Computer Guru, CrAzY Jivin' IvaN, Dante, Darklord, Darryl Parsons, DE NIRO, docdekay, EarlySpeed, Floyd Gondolli, frank albert, GamblersAvenue CS, gamblingislife, gobucks, GreenDoberman, Hector Lopez, humbugcreek, Intuition BET, Jake Thompson, jeffry22, Jenny Dav, Joey C, JohnnyDetroit, Journeyman, Keith Richard, Kris1, Lakrfan, lifesabet.com, LogansRun, loop, MadCapper, matahari, max1234, mazeltrick, mgspooky, mhk, MrKennedy, offstride, Ohio letterman, Pancho Sanza, panther, peteep, Pinko, punter puppy, qs185, raiders72001, Ram Fan, Rasmus, Shiny Suit Man, silverfox2, SINGURU, Sixth Sense, smoothie, soccerbob, Sodium Pentethol V, sphincter, SSI, Steve DJ, strike, suetoneous, SuperWimp, Teddy kgb, Tekari, tenman, The General, The Super, theerodfather, themanowesme, tld1962, Tomorrow's Newspaper, wilheim, Yellow Man