fletchisrhsm said:What is the difference between Obama and McCain. Im not talking 400 billion over 10 years difference either, thats chump change to what Obama wants to spend. Show me a real difference between these two. You cant, you know why? BECAUSE THERE ISNT.
Obama will aim to put a timeline in place for withdrawal of troops. Ideally 16 months.
McCain will stay till the job is done and we can claim victory (whatever his definition of that is).
Without a shadow of doubt McCain will end up spending more in Iraq than Obama.
Obama will engage in diplomatic talks from the bottom all of the way to the top to keep us from having to put boots on the ground.
McCain is in favor of extending the declaration of war on Iraq to Iran. He would essentially line up troops along the boarder of Iraq/Iran in order to ratchet up the pressure on Iran. I believe (and this is totally opinionated) the McCain's Iran philosophy is eerily similar to W's approach with Iraq.
(on McCain's stance here I could be distorting. I know what I mean to say is true from what I have read but I could be off base slightly. The point is that there is a difference in philosophy here.)
Obama is pro choice
McCain is pro life
This is one area where I agree with McCain but I think it is despicable how the republicans use this as a way to manipulate and tug at the heart strings of social conservatives yet do nothing once in power to change it.
Obama's platform is to raise taxes in many areas. Areas that would have a major impact because of the large number that would be taxed. IE: A CEO who makes 40 million dollars or a windfalls profit tax. Obama is opposed to McCain's tax on health care benefits. Obama is also famous for saying 95% of American's would receive a tax cut if he is president. The actual figure is in the low 80% unless he qualifies it with "Working American Families" in which case the number can be justified at 95.5%.
McCain's platform is to leave bush tax cuts in place. He likes to call it making them permenant. This is a major difference as Obama would allow the bush tax cuts for the population he does not deem "middle class" which he defines as families with an income of $250K or individuals with an income of $200K or greater. McCain would also tax the value of health benefits provided by employers as income. It is how he would fund his health care tax credit.
McCain also likes to claim he would cut EVERYONE'S taxes. Obama says if we are going to spend we have to tax but we cannot tax the middle class or the economy will become stagnant.
That is enough for now.
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