Every reason stated above is valid. Different reasons for different times.
I myself go through periods where I will post quite frequently. You can be sure I'm winning and feeling pretty good about myself at those times.
Then I seem to all but disappear. Right now about the only posts I make are a few contest picks. Why?
I am on tilt as never before. My self-esteem has plummeted. My picks and thoughts are less rational than ever. Money management is nil. I've taken almost every remedy I know of---except to temporarily quit--- to no avail. Only once before in my full-time sports betting career have I come even close to this type of disaster. Three months off did the trick that time. Three months off now seems like it would be an incarceration or house arrest of sorts. Oh the progression!!
I'm changing strategies and plans seemingly by the hour. This afternoon's plan is to hang out at Tampa Bay Downs for a few weeks and maybe forego bowls and baskets for awhile. Your lock bet of the day is that I'll have a new plan by tommorrow. Maybe I'll just post picks to be faded.
I'm tormented as each day seems more ominous and forboding than the day before. I expect to lose therefore I do...man, like thousands in college hoops while amazingly still sporting a .548 % though plummeting. Could be a little chase in there somewhere, eh? Like a ballclub on a 13 game losing streak, I find a different way to lose money, if not the majority of games, each night. Yet like Dickie Betts [no pun intended] I see Blue Skies again someday soon. It always has managed to turn around before and we all know it will again.
So there. That is why I post. Where or to whom in the hell could I write or say something like this and expect them to understand [with the exception of the wonderful Mrs. Jones]. Where would I find someone to have gone through it at some point themselves let alone to possibly offer advice or a kind word rather than a kick in the ass...even though one is warranted. When it turns around, as it will, you can also bet I'll let you all know. We are all brothers through both joy and sorrow. And we are not quitters. That's the way I prefer to see it anyway. Perhaps we are a family of lost souls but we are a family nontheless. Peace, prosperity and Happy Holidays to all.