Educate me on this mofo? biggest forum dbag of all time? that's a strong statement
He worked as a moderator at eog when I also worked there.
He will admit he didn't care much for behind the scenes work such as the admin panel, working & dealing with sponsors, fellow posters, etc., but nobody can deny the active poster he was.
Besides working with him, spoke to him on the phone several times via 3/4 way with Ken and even Journeyman when he came over to eog for a short while.
Mo wasn't a bad guy, but he and blondie (another eog moderator) clashed all of the time and put Ken/Shrink in the middle.
Things worsened with the hiring of Journeyman as mofo took offense.
I suppose mo saw JMan as competition.
Mo was a heck of a poster, but nothing ever on Journeyman in my opinion.
I tired of the BS, among sooo many other things going on behind the scenes with eog in general, was invited back here at TheRx to work, and gladly accepted.
After new ownership, eog decided to go a different direction and turn the place over, which meant no more mofome and blondie.
Most still have different opinions on whether or not that was a move for the better...