What do you honestly expect if Obama or McCain gets elected?


Oct 31, 2004
No spin just straight up what happenes?

In four years how do you think the Economy, Energy, Immigration, Congress, Supreme Court, and National security will be.

I think in the new age of imformation at our finger tips and spin on the radio and Tv we tend to forget that just in 2000 Bush said no nation building. I think this could be a good thread to resurrect in 4 years as to what we expect to cast a light on the question that is always asked. Are we better off than 4 years ago?

I think McCain wants to band aid Health care, buy up morgages, Keep the bush tax cuts the same and allow immigration to go unchecked.

Obama says he will get Bin Laden, Get universal health care, help the middle class.

Democrats have the majority in congress. They are probably going to have 60 senate seats. Total power in the Executive and Legislative branch. If a democrat gets in they can appoint new justices. Create laws and pass just about any legislation.

Both say they want to stop wasteful spending and going to "fix" Washington.

Lets hope whoever gets in they can turn it around in Washington.
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Ban Teddy
Apr 22, 2006
anyone who thinks mccain is going to "turn around" washington when he has been there for 26 years is up in the night.

i think if mccain is elected you will see us put boots on the ground in iran and keep them on the ground in iraq and afghanistan. i think he will have to put them in pakistan as well but even he may talk around that.

i think you will see big oil do whatever they want while they continue to make more money than ever before. i think you will see employer based health care go the way of the dinosaur. i think you will see offshore drilling but no impact from it (although we will eventually)... i don't expect him to get anything done about abortion as nothing has happened the last 28 years where 20 of those years saw a republican sit in the white house.

i think you will see the bush tax cuts stay in place and the deficit continue to grow because of foreign wars and the money that we will borrow from china to try to "free" the middle east.

i think you will see something done about immigration but not sure what since he has flopped around on that quite a bit.


Ban Teddy
Apr 22, 2006
if obama is elected i expect a fundamental change in the way we approach the growing energy crisis. i expect offshore drilling although no immediate impact. i expect a fundamental change in the way we approach the health care crisis. i expect a return to diplomacy. i expect boots to remain on the ground in afghanistan but to get taken off of the ground in iraq and potentially to be sent into pakistan.

i expect the disparity b/w the haves and have nots to shrink, like it did under clinton.

i expect a change in immigration although i think it will include amnesty and a fine, like mccain's plan that he now distances himself from.

i expect tax cuts for some and increases for others.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
End of the Iraq war, the free choice act, looking into Bush crimes, some kind of health care, bankruptcy and credit card reform.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If McCaim gets elected I'll expects inner cities to explode like in 1968.

If BO gets elected they'll be a resurgance of the KKK. Redistribution of wealth like we never saw before, immigration from Africa will be the next waves of immigrants.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
If McCaim gets elected I'll expects inner cities to explode like in 1968.

If BO gets elected they'll be a resurgance of the KKK. Redistribution of wealth like we never saw before, immigration from Africa will be the next waves of immigrants.

this is 2008. you arn't going to see people in robes with hoods walking around. dont be stupid like that. redistribution yea, but that is needed. immigration will be like it is now. paftraft loves mccain so much but doesnt mention that he says he will give amnesty to illegals.

Aug 17, 2008
If Obama is elected, some of the smarter rich people will leave the country. The economy will get worse and he will point the finger at Businesses, and the rich. He will raise taxes of the rich and will keep playing the whole " you are a victim" rhetoric to the public. He will try to push for class warfare as much as possible.

Obama will TURN a normal recession into a great depression with his socialist policies, Lefty media, Lefty judicial branch, and Lefty congress.

He will blame Bush, the rich, and business for HIS mistakes until he finishes office before his term is up.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Obama, broad based tax increases, earmarks galore (he loves um) and more government programs which we can never do without again. :lol:

McCain, smaller tax increases and at least some effort to control earmarks and spending, as opposed to a free for all.

Aug 17, 2008
More affirmative action, more foreign aid to africa... more fanny/freddie type government programs to "help" low income minorities at the expense of tax payers...
Oct 30, 2006
It just keeps getting worse... When I was a kid in the 60s nobody had to worry about heath insurance or a decent job...Yoy could walk right into Ford or GM & get a job.....Lifes a bitch & then you die I guess....On the bright side I guess things could be a lot worse like I could be living in fucking Africa or somewhere worse....I guess Im just a spoiled American but not greedy.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Obama, broad based tax increases, earmarks galore (he loves um) and more government programs which we can never do without again. :lol:

McCain, smaller tax increases and at least some effort to control earmarks and spending, as opposed to a free for all.

even though mccain proposed to buy up all the mortgages. i thought you hate socialists. how is that controlling spending

cant make this up.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
learn about their spending proposals

learn about their spending history

get back to me


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Right over his head, yet again.

The point I made was who is going to increase spending less, or who would be more inclined to control spending.

Candidate A proposes nearly 1 trillion dollars in new spending, compounded by the fact that he is an undeniable and proud earmark whore.

Candidate B proposes a 300 billion dollar program, and never once requested a single earmark.

You think A will be more fiscally responsible, I think B. as usual, I'm proud to disagree with you.

I know math and reasoning and logic are not always easy, ask someone to figure it out for you.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
more comments from the readers on that site concerning mccain's socialism:

"You know, I am going to vote for McCain and I would encourage you to vote for McCain, too"

Not a snowball's chance in Hell. I do not vote for big government Socialists, one of which McCain proved himself to be last night.

Posted by CavalierX
2008-10-08 11:42:22

His best chance was to oppose the bailout from the get go. It was practically guaranteed to pass and the markets were absolutely guaranteed to drop big after that. He would have come out looking like a star if he had opposed it.

Well, some people live but never learn.

Posted by abcxyz
2008-10-08 12:00:18

I guess this blows up the whole "taxpayers might get their money back" part of the plan. If the government buys the bad debt, chops off a portion of it, and allows homeowners to pay on the reduced value, the difference is lost forever.

So he's promising $300 billion straight down the toilet on top of gambling with $700 billion.

Not to mention the "incentives" this provides. Should I just stop making payments on my mortgage so I can get part of the bailout? Like Hawkins said, go take out mortgages on a couple foreclosed houses and rake in the cash when I can't afford to pay on them?

McCain for all intents and purposes surrendered the election with this proposal.

Posted by Mike_M
2008-10-08 08:44:01

Jan 6, 2007
More state sponsored false-flag terrorist attacks.

Endless lies and propaganda promoting the imperialist agenda.

The continued joke of the "war on drugs" and more pot heads locked up inside the prisons for profit industry.

A war with Pakistan so we can install our fractional reserve banks.

Ignorant Americans laughing and partying while society collapses around them.

Carbon taxes created to fight imaginary global warning.

The Amero? North American Union?

Aug 17, 2008
Carbon taxes created to fight the imaginary global warming.... 30 years ago the Liberals were screaming we were in global cooling. If that isn't proof of their intentions, I don't know what is. They wanted to try and make the world warmer, because they said we were moving into the next ice age... You can't make this stuff up. Now NYC will be underwater and 75 percent of the world's population will die from heat.

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