Boy, thats a topic that people are sometimes scared to talk about, I have some questions, and believe me sometimes I'm scared to even think about them or ask someone else, I believe, wait I know there is some other "power" out there, in regards to the "relions" I believe Its people interpreting the Bible in their own way. So thats VERY contraversial, If there's a God, I believe there is, BUT, there are quite a few things that puizzle me in regards to the bible and earth, "funny I'm asking these questions in a gambling Forum,
So here goes guys and girls, lets see If there's any one out there who can answer my questions.
1. If you read the bible, it says Cain left the family and marry a girl, Ques. If he went to marry, who was she, if Cain came from adam and Eve and adam and eve were the first.
2. If Adam and Eve were the first on earth, from my knowledge, a chinese man and woman cannot make a black child, so where do black, white, chinese, asian, etc, etc come from if a man and a woman started the whole thing.
3. If the earth is round, how come people are not falling off, I know about gravity, BUT, how come any where you go on earth you still driving and walking on FLAT ground.
If earth is in the galaxy/universe, etc where is the end, what else is there, what I mean is this, lets say a foot ball field is our galaxy and a foot ball is earth, is there a end of the football field, and then something else, but when I think of this I get a little cooky and have to think of something else, cause it makes my brain go doozy.
These are some very mind boogling questions, Some might have answers, some dont, but dont think tooo much It will drive you nuts, I kinda think we just have to let it be.
Have a nice day Guys and Gals, I'm not an athesist or anything, just a regular church Guy.