What do you call this?


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
I know we have a lot of don juans around here, relationships geniuses. Lol

I’ve had 3 relationships my whole life and the last one was a doozie. Grade A whack job.

I’ve been taking/texting this chick for 6 months now every day. I relate to her more than even my first wife. She has her shit, I have mine. But she lives 500 miles from me.

No way you can talk to someone every day, and not be connected, right? Lol. Maybe it’s just another whack job I latched on to, but I think not.

And yea, I went and met her once for a Philly bengals game, no sex, nothing. Just hung out with her friends and her. Again, there’s shit we are both trying to work on.

Anyone experience anything like this?

Blaze away!

Sep 21, 2004
Long distance relationships a real tough in my opinion, good luck , God Bless , hope it works out

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Wow having an amazing time with a chick and zero sex on a long distance get together means one thing fucken keeper

Jun 4, 2018
It's the whack jobs that'll keep u on your toes w-thumbs!^ but hey .... good luck with the new girl

Jul 23, 2020
I know we have a lot of don juans around here, relationships geniuses. Lol

I’ve had 3 relationships my whole life and the last one was a doozie. Grade A whack job.

I’ve been taking/texting this chick for 6 months now every day. I relate to her more than even my first wife. She has her shit, I have mine. But she lives 500 miles from me.

No way you can talk to someone every day, and not be connected, right? Lol. Maybe it’s just another whack job I latched on to, but I think not.

And yea, I went and met her once for a Philly bengals game, no sex, nothing. Just hung out with her friends and her. Again, there’s shit we are both trying to work on.

Anyone experience anything like this?

Blaze away!

Need more info. If she wasn't 300 lbs and you still are talking after you met her, I guess you both weren't disgusted by the other by appearance. Sounds like something is there.

Quitting while you're ahead isn't the same as quit
Nov 18, 2005
Her name wouldn't happen to be Lennay Kekua would it?

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Need more info. If she wasn't 300 lbs and you still are talking after you met her, I guess you both weren't disgusted by the other by appearance. Sounds like something is there.

Far from 300lbs. She’s 400. Haha

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
What happened to Ms Yoga? Was she whacked out?

I have absolutely no idea how to handle a long distance relationship. Wouldn't want to drive or fly 500 miles to see anyone, except my children of course. Do anything for them

Is relocating even an option? For either of you? What are you looking for? A significant other? To have sex once a month? A friend with benefits? And whatever you're looking for, is it mutual?

For any relationship to have a chance, you should be best friends first. That's a start

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
What happened to Ms Yoga? Was she whacked out?

I have absolutely no idea how to handle a long distance relationship. Wouldn't want to drive or fly 500 miles to see anyone, except my children of course. Do anything for them

Is relocating even an option? For either of you? What are you looking for? A significant other? To have sex once a month? A friend with benefits? And whatever you're looking for, is it mutual?

For any relationship to have a chance, you should be best friends first. That's a start

Whacked out is putting it lightly. Lol

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
My ex wife was from Georgia. We did the long distance thing for 3 years.

I can move where ever I want, but east coast isn’t my first choice by any means. Lol

Had the friend with benefits, ended up she talked out both sides of her mouth. Said it was nothing but friendship and sex. But she kept forcing relationship shit on me, so in the end what she wanted in reality, is something I couldn’t offer her

What happened to Ms Yoga? Was she whacked out?

I have absolutely no idea how to handle a long distance relationship. Wouldn't want to drive or fly 500 miles to see anyone, except my children of course. Do anything for them

Is relocating even an option? For either of you? What are you looking for? A significant other? To have sex once a month? A friend with benefits? And whatever you're looking for, is it mutual?

For any relationship to have a chance, you should be best friends first. That's a start

Dec 13, 2007
I know we have a lot of don juans around here, relationships geniuses. Lol

I’ve had 3 relationships my whole life and the last one was a doozie. Grade A whack job.

I’ve been taking/texting this chick for 6 months now every day. I relate to her more than even my first wife. She has her shit, I have mine. But she lives 500 miles from me.

No way you can talk to someone every day, and not be connected, right? Lol. Maybe it’s just another whack job I latched on to, but I think not.

And yea, I went and met her once for a Philly bengals game, no sex, nothing. Just hung out with her friends and her. Again, there’s shit we are both trying to work on.

Anyone experience anything like this?

Blaze away!

I did a long distance for five years DC to LA ..Flight Alaska Filght #006 out bound and Alaska flight 005 back I must have flown that route 100 times over the years.
We now live together in Oregon ..All I can say is spend a good amount of time with her before you jump..I was splitting time between DC and LA total pain in the ass but now worth it...she's great and not nutty in anyway.
On the flip side I met this chick from Texas on a job.. we fell in love, took a romantic trip together..Made loose plans to spend time together .
She decides to move to LA quits her job, gives up her pad Ect...
I fly out to Dallas to drive back with her to LA( first time real life shit faced us) ..By the time we got to New Mexico I knew I'd fucked up big... lasted about 2 months and was total mess from the time she arrived.

Good luck..Spend time ( lots of it) see how she deals with stress Ect every day life says a ton about someone....Amazing how long people can be behaved then suddenly not.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Great advice. Takes a good 3 months of being around someone to see the red flags.

My issue was I dove head first into those flags. A little older and wiser. The last one was a doozie. If you’ve ever been bonded to a Cluster B personality disorder person, then you know. Not for the faint of heart by any means.

I did a long distance for five years DC to LA ..Flight Alaska Filght #006 out bound and Alaska flight 005 back I must have flown that route 100 times over the years.
We now live together in Oregon ..All I can say is spend a good amount of time with her before you jump..I was splitting time between DC and LA total pain in the ass but now worth it...she's great and not nutty in anyway.
On the flip side I met this chick from Texas on a job.. we fell in love, took a romantic trip together..Made loose plans to spend time together .
She decides to move to LA quits her job, gives up her pad Ect...
I fly out to Dallas to drive back with her to LA( first time real life shit faced us) ..By the time we got to New Mexico I knew I'd fucked up big... lasted about 2 months and was total mess from the time she arrived.

Good luck..Spend time ( lots of it) see how she deals with stress Ect every day life says a ton about someone....Amazing how long people can be behaved then suddenly not.

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