Linz_IA said:as a female i'd like to say she shouldn't get upset when you bring it up to her...if she does well pumpkin-she's a gold digger...but if she doesn't get worried forget about it...kinda like a scare tactic. I think people get too caught up about this pre-nup crap...its like pre-nup is iron clad...if she wants something she'll get it .. with or with-out a pre-nup!
jjgold said:You guys are sooooooooo funny and gullible!!!
I cannot beleive this and laughing in my steel chair
Linz is NOT a WOMEN!!! He is some hick out of Iowa City that does not know what the *** to do everyday but kick dirt around and feel sorry for himself. I mean I am hard up for a woman but NEVER go for the bull **** when a poster has a female name. I swear you guys must be like me and get hard anytime you see a womans picture.
Ok now your all going to flirt with this guy showing off your ****, Hey Journey you might as well put the photo up now and keep to form and maybe you wil have shot with her/him.
Minnow is the only woman that post on forums period. I have talked to her live and she is a woman period.
All others are MEN!!!
Linzy=Larry 5-8, 271, hair only in back in tail
Linzy cute and creative but go get a job Son
Good Luck and try to get out of glass house your in.