What a sorry existence....


Nov 17, 2004
I can't help but laugh at a couple of posters here who's sole purpose in life appears to be to scour media articles on a daily basis just to find some dirt on Trump.


You just have to wonder how people can be this obsessed and have so much hatred that they simply can't get beyond a Presidential election. To say I didn't like Obama would be an understatement, but as my buddy Dave said to me after he won in 2014...I woke up this morning and the sun was still shining. And he was right. The world wasn't going to end and I was simply hopeful when someone else took over, they could undo some of the damage. I didn't however, spend every waking hour trying to dig up dirt. I have better things to do with my life than just walk around and be angry all the time.

A friend of mine is a recovering alcoholic and he uses the first paragraph of the serenity prayer to allow him to come to grips with things. I think some of the posters here might want to repeat it on a daily basis...

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of wisdom with those posters.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I say that prayer every night before I go to sleep. It might comfort some that are still stuck in the election for sure. The way I see it is these witch hunters and Trump bashers want to see this country fail. Very un- American to say the least!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
That serenity prayer is all warm and fuzzy but totally irrelevant.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; You have no choice
but to accept the things you cannot change. That's what the word cannot means.

courage to change the things I can; Good advice as long as you keep it to your
personal life. The minute you try to change other people you will fail.

and wisdom to know the difference. Everyone has wisdom to some degree but not everyone
is willing to acknowledge that they have it.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I say that prayer every night before I go to sleep. It might comfort some that are still stuck in the election for sure. The way I see it is these witch hunters and Trump bashers want to see this country fail. Very un- American to say the least!
I was un-American for the last 8 years, not because I wanted
our country to fail but because I wanted to limit the damage.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I was un-American for the last 8 years, not because I wanted
our country to fail but because I wanted to limit the damage.

To each his own Dave. Alot of people are not accepting a thing they cannot change= the election !


Jan 15, 2005
I can't help but laugh at a couple of posters here who's sole purpose in life appears to be to scour media articles on a daily basis just to find some dirt on Trump.


You just have to wonder how people can be this obsessed and have so much hatred that they simply can't get beyond a Presidential election. To say I didn't like Obama would be an understatement, but as my buddy Dave said to me after he won in 2014...I woke up this morning and the sun was still shining. And he was right. The world wasn't going to end and I was simply hopeful when someone else took over, they could undo some of the damage. I didn't however, spend every waking hour trying to dig up dirt. I have better things to do with my life than just walk around and be angry all the time.

A friend of mine is a recovering alcoholic and he uses the first paragraph of the serenity prayer to allow him to come to grips with things. I think some of the posters here might want to repeat it on a daily basis...

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of wisdom with those posters.

This is funny, and I am sure it is directed at me. This forum is probably 80+% conservative. You have people literally cussing me out and I'm the one with anger issues? Lol. Why, because I post news articles that concerning the current administration that make them look bad? It's not about hatred, at least not for me. It's about information and truth. I never claimed to have all the answers or always be right either. You can choose to read or not, agree or not. Why do political articles offend you? You're in a politics forum, what do you expect? You think everyone should just agree and go on there way? Hate to break it to you, but the world isn't like that.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with the majority of the articles I post being from a different perspective. I will no hold my breath while you start a thread about the anger shown by everyone else...

Also, I don't need to scour the internet for stories about Trump. They are everywhere...also, twitter is useful


Jan 15, 2005
I say that prayer every night before I go to sleep. It might comfort some that are still stuck in the election for sure. The way I see it is these witch hunters and Trump bashers want to see this country fail. Very un- American to say the least!
Well of course you think that...I would expect nothing less after reading your posts. Keep the continue.

Nov 17, 2004
That serenity prayer is all warm and fuzzy but totally irrelevant.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; You have no choice
but to accept the things you cannot change. That's what the word cannot means.

courage to change the things I can; Good advice as long as you keep it to your
personal life. The minute you try to change other people you will fail.

and wisdom to know the difference. Everyone has wisdom to some degree but not everyone
is willing to acknowledge that they have it.

I don't think it's irrelevant Dave. There are plenty of people on this forum and in my neck of the woods that can't seem to accept the results of an election (yep, that's the wisdom thing). The way I see it, one has two choices: 1) Deal with it and move on, or 2) Bring your blood pressure to a boil and waste your time venting that anger by complaining on a daily basis and doing things like posting up dirt on said politician on political forums (clearly the therapy dog or counselor angle might work better for those people). I choose the former. Mind you, I don't mind having a political conversation when they're thoughtful and engaging. But to sit there and spend every waking hour with the "Trump left the toilet seat up again" trying to find every bit of nonsense from the media and just spewing it endlessly is just non-productive and a waste of time (as is all the name calling).

But if someone enjoys spending their day that way, to each their own. Just making an observation and what is intended to be a thoughtful suggestion to those who have a problem with our new President. As it stands, the chance of Republicans losing any control for the next four years is pretty much nil (given the seats up for play in the mid-terms). So those people can continue to be angry for quite some time if they choose.

Nov 17, 2004
This is funny, and I am sure it is directed at me. This forum is probably 80+% conservative. You have people literally cussing me out and I'm the one with anger issues? Lol. Why, because I post news articles that concerning the current administration that make them look bad? It's not about hatred, at least not for me. It's about information and truth. I never claimed to have all the answers or always be right either. You can choose to read or not, agree or not. Why do political articles offend you? You're in a politics forum, what do you expect? You think everyone should just agree and go on there way? Hate to break it to you, but the world isn't like that.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with the majority of the articles I post being from a different perspective. I will no hold my breath while you start a thread about the anger shown by everyone else...

Also, I don't need to scour the internet for stories about Trump. They are everywhere...also, twitter is useful

What can I say. Knock yourself out and enjoy yourself. No skin off my back.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well of course you think that...I would expect nothing less after reading your posts. Keep the continue.

Trying to act like you are doing some public service and are just a good guy too? You troll my pick threads cuz you dont like my views is just as bad as cussing you out which I have never done. You are just another butt hurt libtard who thinks he is gonna change the world. Leave it to the proffessionals troll!

Nov 17, 2004
I say that prayer every night before I go to sleep. It might comfort some that are still stuck in the election for sure. The way I see it is these witch hunters and Trump bashers want to see this country fail. Very un- American to say the least!

Agree Boss. And Dave, and much as you say you were un-American, I'm not totally buying it. I have neighbors that literally want the market to crash so they can validate their comments on how Trump would destroy the economy. I don't ever recall you taking things to that extreme. That's just pure stupidity and what happens when you take an ideology to an extreme.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Agree Boss. And Dave, and much as you say you were un-American, I'm not totally buying it. I have neighbors that literally want the market to crash so they can validate their comments on how Trump would destroy the economy. I don't ever recall you taking things to that extreme. That's just pure stupidity and what happens when you take an ideology to an extreme.

Just like putting down somebody for their faith. Only negative !

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I don't think it's irrelevant Dave. There are plenty of people on this forum and in my neck of the woods that can't seem to accept the results of an election (yep, that's the wisdom thing). The way I see it, one has two choices: 1) Deal with it and move on, or 2) Bring your blood pressure to a boil and waste your time venting that anger by complaining on a daily basis and doing things like posting up dirt on said politician on political forums (clearly the therapy dog or counselor angle might work better for those people). I choose the former. Mind you, I don't mind having a political conversation when they're thoughtful and engaging. But to sit there and spend every waking hour with the "Trump left the toilet seat up again" trying to find every bit of nonsense from the media and just spewing it endlessly is just non-productive and a waste of time (as is all the name calling).

But if someone enjoys spending their day that way, to each their own. Just making an observation and what is intended to be a thoughtful suggestion to those who have a problem with our new President. As it stands, the chance of Republicans losing any control for the next four years is pretty much nil (given the seats up for play in the mid-terms). So those people can continue to be angry for quite some time if they choose.
I wasn't so much comparing the prayer to the election, (although it does fit) as I was
comparing it to life. I'm probably going to piss off a few people here by saying this
but if you have to look to prayer to solve your problems then your just weak.

Please help me I don't know what to do or where to turn! For Christ sake pull yourself
up buy your jockstrap and give your pity party a rest. You only have yourself to blame
for your situation.

It reminds me of people who want to quit smoking but say they can't
so they try the patch or gum. That's just a crutch. Just stop, no excuses.

For those who can't accept that Trump is president and will be for at least the next 4 years
I say I don't care. Bitch all you want but it will not help and neither will praying.

However if it somehow enhances your life then I say go for it.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Agree Boss. And Dave, and much as you say you were un-American, I'm not totally buying it. I have neighbors that literally want the market to crash so they can validate their comments on how Trump would destroy the economy. I don't ever recall you taking things to that extreme. That's just pure stupidity and what happens when you take an ideology to an extreme.
The logic of the day is if you don't respect the president you're un-American.

Much like 919 I started out warning people that Obama was bad news. As time went
by I upped the anti because of what followed. After the 2012 election I turned my
attention to bashing the voters for reelecting him.

And I didn't stop there. As anyone who knows me knows I've been critical of the
Republican party when I saw them being slackers. I hate to admit it but in my
opinion schools still out that they will get the job done. If that pitiful excuse
for a repeal and replace of Obamacare bill is any indication of things to come, then
Trump is in for a long 4 years of frustration. However I did see a tiny light at the end
of the tunnel. McConnell did finally grow a set and went nuclear to get Gorsuch on the SC.

It's a start.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I wasn't so much comparing the prayer to the election, (although it does fit) as I was
comparing it to life. I'm probably going to piss off a few people here by saying this
but if you have to look to prayer to solve your problems then your just weak.

Please help me I don't know what to do or where to turn! For Christ sake pull yourself
up buy your jockstrap and give your pity party a rest. You only have yourself to blame
for your situation.

It reminds me of people who want to quit smoking but say they can't
so they try the patch or gum. That's just a crutch. Just stop, no excuses.

For those who can't accept that Trump is president and will be for at least the next 4 years
I say I don't care. Bitch all you want but it will not help and neither will praying.

However if it somehow enhances your life then I say go for it.

So praying means you are weak and cant handle yourself? Praying means you want pity ? Plenty of the strongest most successful people in life pray.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
So praying means you are weak and cant handle yourself? Praying means you want pity ? Plenty of the strongest most successful people in life pray.
Well at least I said I was probably going to piss off a few people. I also said if it somehow enhances your life then go for it.
Only my opinion. Take it for what it's worth or not.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well at least I said I was probably going to piss off a few people. I also said if it somehow enhances your life then go for it.
Only my opinion. Take it for what it's worth or not.

Well you certainly do not have any bearing on my faith or lack of faith. Simply pointing out that not everybody prays because they are weak or think it will solve all their problems. Bottom line for me in this world when I look into the abyss I only really have my self and my faith. Nobody is going to take care of me but myself and I have known this for a long long time. Not everybody who believes in a higher power uses it to get things or get pity!

Aug 6, 2006
You can't talk someone into having faith. Nor can you talk someone out of it. I see that the topic of the thread has veered.

In my car there's a battle for the 107.5 FM slot between an R&B station in NYC and a Jesus Saves station in Boyertown Pa. Depending upon where I am is what I get. Driving into Philly last night the Born Again took over as I was fliping the dial. The topic was what happens when you die if you're Saved. And if you're not Saved and headed to Hades. And I learned that not only do you recognize the Spirit of your relatives the moment you die. That to the right and left of the mountain where you first see Jesus, on each side you also see Moses and Elijah. I guess the philosophy professor hosting the show thought he might catch a Jew driving to a Seder last night and decided to tailor his show. I'm not sure. But this was a new version of Afterlife presented to me. As I've posted before religion is a tough topic in here. I respect anyone's views as long as they don't try to force them upon those of us headed to Hades ;-)

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