What a bunch of ass kissers!!!

First of all journey, I wanna thank you for those great words buddy. I will NOT forget them, trust me..You're a good kid..

I come home tonight and what do I see, i see about 56 posts of myself and all bashing me, but here is the funny part of it all.. it was all done by Shrinks mods. What a laugh I had, I am still laughing. The only people that bashed me was not the board room guys only, but what do you know, Shrinks little boys. What a bunch of suck ups. Yes boys, don't worry, you'll get your paycheck at the end of the month.. It makes me laugh how guys like RPM, General, and especially that big loser Uncle B can bash me knowing that their employer will like them now and maybe give them a raise.. Uncle B, you really had nerve today to jump all over me like this!! Coming from a hillbilly like you who is totally illiterate and cannot express himself with words, so he posts pics because that's all he knows what to do. You're a hick Uncle and you obviously do NOT bring anything to this site. I have yet seen you talk about gambling once here at rx. I don't know what Kenny sees in you. Hell, you don't even gamble, besides those free 25 dollar accts and all. And sucking up to BHB and RIO and bragging about your free t-shirts..You're an idiot Uncle Loser. Keep posting those pics, because that is all you can contribute here.

As for Ken, I am NOT upset at him at all. I am just disappointed how he lied to me about putting me back in BR, which I don't care about, but him telling me I'm in, and then going back on his word. How can any of you ever post here if this was you. You'd do the same thing as me, believe me. He is basically telling me that he doesn't trust me, yet you can post here anyways. Would any of you losers post here if this was you, especially after he tells you one thing, then goes back on his word.. Dante, you're a cool dude, I have nothing against you, just those deadbeat other mods who are obviously kissing Shrinks ass. Hey Uncle, stick that 4 dollar an hour job up your ass and keep kissing shrinks ass, too. Ever since you begged Shrink for this job, you have changed for the worse. You are on a power trip and sucking his ass big time. Just make sure you wipe your nose because I see a brown spot on it..Good luck with your life, you Hilbilly..You really have nerve to insult me..

Like I said, Ken has been great to me, it's been a great ride with him here for 6 months. I considered him like a father figure,even though we are only 9 years apart. He really was nice to me and was more than just a site owner, I even considered him a friend. But how he lied to me, and now doesn't trust me, I just cannot accept it, sorry. Believe me, it is just principal here. I could care less about BR. It's just impossible to tell someone that he is no longer trusted, then lie to him, then just expect him to be happy posting at your site. Sorry, but no way can I do this. I hope you understand Ken. BTW Ken, I swear to God, and I give you my word of honor, I did NOT make Clevfan hear our conversation. I would NOT do this to you. I don't even know why she posted here, I didn't tell her. She was trying to help I guess. But if you recall, when you called, I did not hang up with you to put her on 3 way. I did not put you on speaker to make her hear, remember? So how could she have heard? Impossible!! What I did, mind you is talk to you, then when I spoke to her later, I told her that I am back in BR and all is settled with you and you will put me back in BR when you get back from CR. That's it!!. Now if you don't want to believe me, let me send you a plane ticket, and I will give you 5 dimes if I am lying, so help me God. I swear on my fathers grave, I did NOT make her listen to it. And when you do come here, I will set up a lie detector test to prove just that.. I would NEVER do this to you Kenny, you've been good to me, and it was great meeting you. But I cannot post here anymore Kenny, sorry. I do NOT want to be somewhere I am not trusted. I hope you can understand. I think I will go to MW and be there where I am more appreciated...NOT be told that I am not trusted and then expect me to post. Take care Ken and the same goes to all you loser mods who will continue to kiss Kenny's ass, it's been fun. thanks for the memories. this time, I'm really out of here and I ain't coming back.

New member
Sep 19, 2001
I have to agree with Sick here. Some of these mods get on my nerves and that's putting it lightly.


Pat Buchannan and Bill O'Reilly for the White House
Sick, Truthteller, & any poster,

Please let us Mods know what you want from us. I am sure we can change to make you happy. We have always been open for improvement ideas. If we have problems, then please suggest ways for us to improve. We would be glad to accomidate any reasonable requests.

Thanks for your opinions.


Active member
Oct 20, 1999
SICK- I say we bring in Fishhead to do a little enforcing around here.

New member
Sep 19, 2001

For starters and this is directed mainly to Peep, please get your facts straight before coming here and accusing me something I have no clue about.

You posted that I am anti-semitic because you saw some post I made over at MW hating jews. I have made about 5 posts over there and it all related to gambling. And besides, my wife is Jewish. Get a life dude!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I'm NOT going to be running back and forth like a kid from site to site. Like I said, if I ever go back to the dark alley, it won't be because I am pissed at rx. This is NOT game I am playing here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your act is boring sick.

Here you go dipshit, no pictures.
Sick, you are pathetic.
You use Ken and Russ against eachother constantly to your gain.

You admitted that the reason for your last tantrum, was that SHRINK didn't respond to one of you demands as quickly as you wanted. Oops! I mean, didn't help you out as quickly as you thought he was obligated to, my bad.

As far as your demands to be let in BR, SHRINK posted a thread, asking if any of us would mind if he let you back in, that it would mean a lot to you.

Well, i had just gotten off the phone with Ken when he posted it, and in fact, he had asked my opinion on the phone about the situation.
Ken was actually bothered by the fact that you were upset with him.

My response was basicaly, "If you think it will help, i'll post that i want him back". Almost word for word.
I didn't think you should be let back in, i was just trying to make things a bit easier.
So, Ken posts the thread, and right off the bat, it's almost unanimous, either they you were not wanted back in BR, or they had no opinion on the matter.
I think 3 or 4 people thought you should be allowed to return, and i was one of them, albiet, not really by choice. So, when i saw it wasn't going to happen, i voiced my true feelings on it.

No, he should not be allowed to return.
The only thing the Board Room served for Sick Gambler, was whining and bitching about having people like Vega 007 reinstated, over and over and over again. Regardless of what damage had been done by the kid.
Then, it was every fuknut that was banned:
"golly fellas, he emailed me just a beggin to be let in again, i vouch for him, honest, c'mon, please guys please let me have my way"

So no Ken , after the guy has yet again tried to punish you for not jumping quick enough, i say Fuk Sick Gambler, **** him and the retarded fuking goat he rode in on.

After 24 hours, and very little support for your demands to be met, Ken said he would let it go.

And that, you selfish, ungrateful phony, is the truth.

By the way you babbling winbag, you may want to skim over those threads again, the mods were pretty easily outnumbered in the "don't let the door hit you in your phony, two-faced ass" posts.

But yeah, Journeyman thinks you are the shit.

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
All political discussions should be moved to the rubber room.

This message board is for the discussion of offshore sports books. The rubber room was created for all the other crap.

"The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WOW Uncle B... tell us how you REALLY feel!

Sick gambler will be back. Give him like a week and he'll get pissed off at Russ for not kissing his ass enough and come crawling back here. He changes message boards about as often as he changes his underwear. Today he'll be "hello Russ bend over so I can pucker up smooch smooch smooch" and next week it will be "Russ you backstabbing piece of shit I'm going back to the Rx".

This forum is better off without him.

"The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Today he'll be "hello Russ bend over so I can pucker up smooch smooch smooch" and next week it will be "Russ you backstabbing piece of shit I'm going back to the Rx".

This forum is better off without him. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Same boring cycle, time after time.
I used to like sick, now, he is like the annoying nephew you are supposed to be nice to, but, just can't anymore.
MW will get tired of his act soon enough, if they haven't already.

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."

New member
Feb 21, 2002
I didn't know sick gambler was such a huge
advocate for Vega.Does explain a few things
though.Anyway,like i posted before, your
doing him a favour.Maybe this tonic of "tough
Love" will inspire him to find a real life off-line.a number of his posts were replete with his
plaintive whinging about having "no life",along
with regrets about getting hooked on gambling and/or inet forums.

How to Good-bye Depression

IT's Getting Awfully Hasselhott in Hier!!!
Click below...Be Patient.
The song Hot Shot City is particularly good
Oh great, I just posted my "small book" about how I feel about this, (that took 30 minutes) and the site timed out on me!
My apoligies to the racist Truthteller.

You like Jews, you only hate Mexicans and Costa Ricans.

That better?
Typical sick gambler bullshit
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Like I said, Ken has been great to me, it's been a great ride with him here for 6 months. I considered him like a father figure,even though we are only 9 years apart. He really was nice to me and was more than just a site owner, I even considered him a friend. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is touching sick gambler, that must have been what you really meant to say in this E-Mail to Russ from MajorWager. You were just expressing how much you cared for Ken, right?
Not that you use Ken, or take advantage of what Ken thought was a friendship, right?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> "i can ask him for anything, and he will do it for me. i really have
authority in this place, i can say what i want, post pics when i want, NO
way will peep delete it or edit it, or move it to the appropriate forum. I
basically was told, i have a carte blanche in that site. Whatever i say to
ken, he always listens to me. if he bans vega, and everyone including peep,
and 124 posters don't want him back, all i do is call ken and tell him,
bring him back now, and in 1 minute, vega is posting again. if i don't like
someone, i tell ken, this guy has to get banned, and he is gone in 2

Awwww, what a sweetheart. I was wrong about you sick, your a gem...

""I knew it all along. I just NEVER trusted these people at NAB, NEVER.""
UB, now who's a "drama queen"


- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

your post and threads are a reflection of this site..You have annoy continually many Rx members..You must not take sides without understand both sides..You need to be much more professional if you are to remain a representative of this site..I think the shrink and sickgamblers problem could be resolved with a phone call..I think sickgambler does bring in a high % of lerkers posting because of his understanding of offshore gambling..I think Peep must do the same as Uncle..There are way to many good things here at the rx..Lets all just get along....
Fair enough Frank.

Just tired of his bullshit, and tired of seeing people fooled by it.

""Thank you God, I owe you. I wanted to come in here weeks ago and warn people, but I just couldn't. They all begged me to please not announce it till they get paid, and I was also waiting for my last payout to arrive. I was ready to announce it here, but I had to wait.""

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