my top couple
1. complications from a ruptured appendix had me close to kicking it (13 days in hospital, lost 25 pounds I didn't have to lose at the time)...they ended up cutting me open without knowing exactly what they were going for and then found out my appendix was gangrenous and already popped
2. cracked my head open on a metal radiator and broke an artery and lost a ton of blood (literally pumping out of my head...looked like an axe murderer scene)
3. took a chisel across the eye and scratched my cornia pretty bad (still see trails out of one eye because of it)...self inflicted as a child
4. fell into a lit fireplace when I was two....tripped on the decorative railing outside of it and luckily only my wrist and arm made it to the fire and got burned...small scar from that one
5. cops pulled out on me once, but that is the only time I have been threatened by a gun
6. huge surf day in LA, had no business going out, but had already driven the hour or so to the spot....couldnt get out past the break the first two times I tried....then finally made it....waited about 30 mins outside the break for a smaller set wave I thought I could maybe handle...went for it and didnt catch it...then got caught inside and the next set pummled me, broke my leash and snapped my board....was stuck way offshore with no board in huge surf....stayed calm and slowly got tumbled/swam in over the next 40 mins or so, but took a lot to stay calm.....also took a board in the dome in el salvador that required some staples, but that wasnt nearly as scary as the broken leash and snapped board