1-2 tonight. Sometimes they lose
FawvDog, you definitely have a glass-half-full outlook. I like that in a man.
jsherman18, you are a newbie, I wonder what your agenda is. JB was on Knicks and Suns tonight. (Suns lost.) I was on Knicks, Heat, and Tor/Ind under. Now, should I give JB credit because we had one game in common? Besides, give me a break, some other services were also on the Knicks.
Check my 3-0 record both Sunday and Tuesday, and tell me how many of those 6 games were also released by JB those same nights. You're bound to find one or two -- I'm sure we pick the same plays now and then, like any other service -- but to suggest that I take my picks directly from JB is to be ill-informed.
With all respect to JB, because they are an excellent service. I do check their picks before making my final selections. But if you follow along day after day, you won't find any more similarity between them and me than you would with any other service.