Yesterday 4-4 +2.49 units
YTD 25-23 + 2.31 units
Looks like a bad start to the day but I think i have found a prop that looks to good to true.
Toronto `s Kirk is a fat little focker. If you put all the infielders in the outfield he would still be out on a ground ball. This year he is 2-18 . He is 1-9 against today`s starter Valdez.I doubt he will be hitting higher than 7th today so expect 3 at bats max.What makes it to good to be true is his odds are under 1/2 hit + 170 !!! What is my book smoking. Win or lose this is a max bet for me that I would make every day.
Kirk under 1/2 hit +170 3 units max play