NBA Record 1-2 -$2,340 This play will win. This play was brought to you by a complete & dedicated capper this side of the Mason-Dixon line. This play will bring you utter joy like a seal that just received his afternoon snack. This play was baked to perfection with just the right amount of thyme & ginger. This play was brought to you by a man that makes over 300 pizzas a day for the city of Philadelphia. This play will make you shout out loud. I'm here to inspire. I'm here to bring you happiness & harrowing excellence like a tiger that just spun his way throughout the safari. This is my play... Brooklyn Nets +8 for $12,500. I'm in no way a Nets fan in any way..however it's funny I'm backing them twice this early in the season, & they're win less. Sammy will strut like a prince tonight!