We can talk all day about how Wayne Root and his umbrella of companies are scamdicappers. That point has been brought up many times before and I'm not going going to beat the point into the ground again. What I do know for a certainty is how close Wayne Root has been on two occasions to locking up his doors and ceasing his sports service operation. What Wayne does each year is find a sucker to invest one to three million dollars in his company. He trolls for these whales through his contacts in the casino industry and leads that come into his five companies. If someone is huge and Wayne can arrange a one on one meeting he tries to put the wheels in motion and get them to invest as much as possible, in as short a period of time without that person consulting legal representation. Anyone with a basic understanding in economics and math can figure out that when you invest you have no chance of seeing your principle or any profits once Wayne Root deposits your money and the money clears from your bank. If you look at the SEC fillings each year and know how this operation works, the only person who wins is Wayne Root. He takes the investor's money and uses it to buy radio and T.V. time time from September thru March. His 45-50 salesman bring in about 2.5 to 3 million each year. With a salary of $600,000.00 for himself and $300,000.00 to $400,000.00 for his vice president and top manager they usually have expenses in the range of 3.5 to 4 million. They generally lose 900K to 1 million each year. If Wayne and his top two executives were to forgo a salary they would about break even but that hasn't and will never happen. When the wheel runs dry and Wayne doesn't find that big whale or whales one year and it will happen in the very near future Wayne Root will shut down his sports service operations. It's going to happen sooner than your think.