(Story in last paragraph, link to audio - if someone can embed, thanks.)
So I was listening to Gil Alexander on VSIN (for the 5th time, if you're not listening to VSIN, you're missing out) yesterday and he mentioned that Dbacks will be installing a humidor to store their baseballs in. This is to reduce the number of homeruns in the ballpark (thus appeasing/luring pitchers.)
Rockies have been doing it since 2002 at Coors. Though, because of the thin air and the dimensions of the ballpark, it's still a hitters park, lots of extra base hits. Home runs have reduced by a significant percentage (I apologize, i don't remember the specific stats.)
It's unclear, but was speculated the humidor will be in effect at Chase Field by the end of the month. Chase is one of the better hitters parks in MLB. Expecting the same lower home run rate, and without the large dimensions of a Coors Field, runs should be at more of a premium.
Be on the lookout if books don't adjust quickly. May 1st-ish?
So I was listening to Gil Alexander on VSIN (for the 5th time, if you're not listening to VSIN, you're missing out) yesterday and he mentioned that Dbacks will be installing a humidor to store their baseballs in. This is to reduce the number of homeruns in the ballpark (thus appeasing/luring pitchers.)
Rockies have been doing it since 2002 at Coors. Though, because of the thin air and the dimensions of the ballpark, it's still a hitters park, lots of extra base hits. Home runs have reduced by a significant percentage (I apologize, i don't remember the specific stats.)
It's unclear, but was speculated the humidor will be in effect at Chase Field by the end of the month. Chase is one of the better hitters parks in MLB. Expecting the same lower home run rate, and without the large dimensions of a Coors Field, runs should be at more of a premium.
Be on the lookout if books don't adjust quickly. May 1st-ish?