Washington @ St. Louis Game #2 *Big Play*

Jan 26, 2011
catsoverunder....Sorry my threads get entirely more views than yours.....Maybe it's because I win people more money?


I am done with you. I am supprised at myself for even responding to kids such as yourself. Good luck to you and your 1,000 word essays and your $10 dollar bets.

Apr 6, 2012
Notice how he posts the same thing over and over again (Except he purposely leaves off my golden football record, not that there's anything wrong with any of my baseball records) and dodges everything I ask of him.

Without even acknowledging my simple requests for your season record and the absurd amount you were down this year, you have fully proven my point. Thank you, sir.

Continue on losing regularly with your random guesses and your below-.500 record. I don't think any more new people will be taking your losing bets anymore now that they are aware. God what a fucking loser
Jan 26, 2011
Notice how he posts the same thing over and over again (Except he purposely leaves off my golden football record, not that there's anything wrong with any of my baseball records) and dodges everything I ask of him.

Without even acknowledging my simple requests for your season record and the absurd amount you were down this year, you have fully proven my point. Thank you, sir.

Continue on losing regularly with your random guesses and your below-.500 record. I don't think any more new people will be taking your losing bets anymore now that they are aware. God what a fucking loser
Great. Maybe you will get more buisness now that you decided to attack the author of the threads that get 10 times as many views as yours do. I am not dodging any question by the way. Since you have so much time on your hands with your boring life maybe you should be my secretary and do the fact checking yourself and report back to me with my record for this season. No, wait, dont do that. I would need someone to do that who can be trusted. With your statement above you have proven your own motive. Thats clear to everyone. Now it's time for you to prepare your 1,000 word essay for today since you ARE the best handicapper in the world by self admission. By the way, people that tail my plays know how much money they have made, ask'em. God what a fucking loser.

New member
Sep 18, 2011
it's like a tv drama in here. oh, my bet is better. oh no, your bet suck.

we're all in it to make money. no one is putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to bet along. ego clash leads to classless bashing.
Jan 26, 2011
it's like a tv drama in here. oh, my bet is better. oh no, your bet suck.

we're all in it to make money. no one is putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to bet along. ego clash leads to classless bashing.
There is a method to his madness believe it or not. He came to my thread, as you see, because I happen to provide daily successfull plays, in an attempt to boost his thread rating, per say , and thats quite obvious by his own quotes such as this one..."I appreciate the amount of reads I get, especially those of you who regularly read my daily baseball articles since MLB Over/Unders are my baby, but honestly, I think I deserve much more views than I'm getting, relative to some other people on here". Notice he is attacking a thread that has slightly more popularity than his. It's farily obvious. I should have never responded to his tactics but it's hard not to. He is the type of person who gives the handiacapping buisness a bad name. It's to bad but it's reality. There are plenty of threads which do not provide daily updated records. Has he attacked those particular threads? NO. I will say it again if he is that concerned maybe he should be my secretary and fist through all of my threads and report back to me with a "Record". He has no problem posting some of my losing "Posts" in this thread and others but notice he isn't posting any of my winning "Big Play" posts. That should tell you something. Someone who has that much time on their hands should be providing something positive to society but to each his own. Yout statement above is very true and I am done with the back and forth with this child. BOL to you.
Jan 26, 2011
OK, time to focus on todays games. Enough of this BS with the attention hungry kid. I will be posting my plays for today in a few if anyone is interested. Dont forget to visit the other forementioned person and his thread. He is starving for more attention.

New member
Oct 16, 2011
Okay guys who do we like TODAY?Pick us some winners with sound advice.Good luck to both of you.The whole idea is to help us beat the services,not bash.
Apr 6, 2012
There is a method to his madness believe it or not. He came to my thread, as you see, because I happen to provide daily successfull plays, in an attempt to boost his thread rating, per say , and thats quite obvious by his own quotes such as this one..."I appreciate the amount of reads I get, especially those of you who regularly read my daily baseball articles since MLB Over/Unders are my baby, but honestly, I think I deserve much more views than I'm getting, relative to some other people on here". Notice he is attacking a thread that has slightly more popularity than his. It's farily obvious. I should have never responded to his tactics but it's hard not to. He is the type of person who gives the handiacapping buisness a bad name. It's to bad but it's reality. There are plenty of threads which do not provide daily updated records. Has he attacked those particular threads? NO. I will say it again if he is that concerned maybe he should be my secretary and fist through all of my threads and report back to me with a "Record". He has no problem posting some of my losing "Posts" in this thread and others but notice he isn't posting any of my winning "Big Play" posts. That should tell you something. Someone who has that much time on their hands should be providing something positive to society but to each his own. Yout statement above is very true and I am done with the back and forth with this child. BOL to you.

Great. Maybe you will get more buisness now that you decided to attack the author of the threads that get 10 times as many views as yours do. I am not dodging any question by the way. Since you have so much time on your hands with your boring life maybe you should be my secretary and do the fact checking yourself and report back to me with my record for this season. No, wait, dont do that. I would need someone to do that who can be trusted. With your statement above you have proven your own motive. Thats clear to everyone. Now it's time for you to prepare your 1,000 word essay for today since you ARE the best handicapper in the world by self admission. By the way, people that tail my plays know how much money they have made, ask'em. God what a fucking loser.

Know how much money they made for who? The opposing bookie? The only way you've made money for people this season is if they wisely chose to fade you. Notice how:

A)You still haven't told us your record. (Or why you would RE-START IT multiple times and then just stop keeping track because of your frequent losinggggg streaks)
B)You still haven't told us what you're down for the year (I'm estimating at least in the thousands, although probably more since you were under .500)

And "method to my madness?" Lol what the fuck are you talking about? YOU FUCKING STARTED THIS IN MY THREAD (Attacking one of my baseball picks a couple of months ago before leaving here with your tail between your legs when you went on yet another losing streak; Then you have the nerve to try and insult me in my football thread last week when you yourself continue losing games. What's your record again? Gotta be at least 0-4 after your wonderful performance on Sunday, but I'm sure you'll erase that from the record books as well). Obviously I'm not going into another capper's thread for the hell of it. YOU STARTED IT. I don't take shit from anyone. You came into my thread, insulted me twice, so is it you that wanted the attention?

I've been on these baseball forums every single day and have probably contributed the most baseball writing all year. I have gotten to know everyone here and enjoy everyone's company. What about you? You've pussied out of here MULTIPLE times, while constantly re-starting your record and not keeping track of what you were down. A man who has integrity and character does not do that. That's not how it works, clown. You can't run away from your record and your money lost, which is why WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR RECORD IS AND WHAT YOU'RE DOWN. IT'S A FUCKING SIMPLE REQUEST. And I'm simply warning the new readers out there about your shady shit, as everyone can see now how you don't want to reveal your record or +/-... because it's not good.

I'm ready to drop this but remember buddy, you started this.
Jan 26, 2011
LaLaLa. You just simply need to focus on your threads. Nobody here really gives a damn what you waste your time typing about, really they don't, as you can see by the last few posts from others. I am officially done corresponding with you sir. Have a good day.
Apr 6, 2012
There is a method to his madness believe it or not. He came to my thread, as you see, because I happen to provide daily successfull plays, in an attempt to boost his thread rating, per say , and thats quite obvious by his own quotes such as this one..."I appreciate the amount of reads I get, especially those of you who regularly read my daily baseball articles since MLB Over/Unders are my baby, but honestly, I think I deserve much more views than I'm getting, relative to some other people on here". Notice he is attacking a thread that has slightly more popularity than his. It's farily obvious. I should have never responded to his tactics but it's hard not to. He is the type of person who gives the handiacapping buisness a bad name. It's to bad but it's reality. There are plenty of threads which do not provide daily updated records. Has he attacked those particular threads? NO. I will say it again if he is that concerned maybe he should be my secretary and fist through all of my threads and report back to me with a "Record". He has no problem posting some of my losing "Posts" in this thread and others but notice he isn't posting any of my winning "Big Play" posts. That should tell you something. Someone who has that much time on their hands should be providing something positive to society but to each his own. Yout statement above is very true and I am done with the back and forth with this child. BOL to you.

LaLaLa. You just simply need to focus on your threads. Nobody here really gives a damn what you waste your time typing about, really they don't, as you can see by the last few posts from others. I am officially done corresponding with you sir. Have a good day.

Actually, the last time you were here (When you once again had magically reset your record to 0-0. WHO else does that?), a lot of people had asked you the same thing. You never gave us an answer.

But you know what, the other people are right. This fighting won't get us anywhere in regards to winning bets in the current moment and if anything, it only detracts from our focus, which is key. At the end of the day, we're all on the same team so you go do your thing, I'll do mine, and hopefully we both enjoy success. GL

Nov 5, 2006
Who really gives a shit about how many views one gets?..................Unless one is planning on becoming a..............I won't say the word, it's evil. Anyway, all that anyone cares about is .........WINNERS! and Destroying your Book!........Lets do it.
Jan 26, 2011
Who really gives a shit about how many views one gets?..................Unless one is planning on becoming a..............I won't say the word, it's evil. Anyway, all that anyone cares about is .........WINNERS! and Destroying your Book!........Lets do it.
Apparently he does, unfortunately. Here is his quote again from his thread recently, "..."I appreciate the amount of reads I get, especially those of you who regularly read my daily baseball articles since MLB Over/Unders are my baby, but honestly, I think I deserve much more views than I'm getting, relative to some other people on here". As I said before I could give a damn about thread views. I care about winning, thats all. BOL to you bud.
Apr 6, 2012
Apparently he does, unfortunately. Here is his quote again from his thread recently, "..."I appreciate the amount of reads I get, especially those of you who regularly read my daily baseball articles since MLB Over/Unders are my baby, but honestly, I think I deserve much more views than I'm getting, relative to some other people on here". As I said before I could give a damn about thread views. I care about winning, thats all. BOL to you bud.

100-percent agreed with selectrick.

As for that comment you have in red, sportsforumVIP, that has nothing to do with you... you're a regular on the football forums also so you know exactly what I'm talking about. You see the BS that goes on. Scrubs like QueenOfHearts are getting TENS OF THOUSANDS OF VIEWS, while doing nothing but consistently give out losing picks. There are a few others as well who fall under that category, yet outdraw the more consistent winners such as myself.

You say Page Views doesn't matter to you, and that's perfectly fine, but when you do this particular endeavor of our's, or anything for that matter, you should always strive to be the best. That's an opinion, and you could disagree with it if you want, but personally, no matter what the endeavor is, you should always try to be the best at whatever you do. Period. I'm a very prideful person; I always strive to be the best. So when I see people like QueenOfHearts WRONGFULLY get the number of views that they do (And many others have brought this up as well) for doing absolutely nothing but lose, it's just wrong when you know that you're clearly better than them, or at least significantly so for this season. That has nothing to do with you, as like I said, you came into my threads a couple of times throughout the season (Once in football, once in baseball) and insulted me for no reason without being provoked. That's why this started. If you didn't do that, this whole thing would have never happened.

Honestly, I'm ready to drop it, wish you luck, and move on. I preach it all the time: Focus and mindset is everything in betting, and if we're wasting our time fighting one another over nothing, it's only going to detract from our potential success.

That being said, GL the rest of the way and I hope we both do well

Oct 25, 2007
Know how much money they made for who? The opposing bookie? The only way you've made money for people this season is if they wisely chose to fade you. Notice how:

A)You still haven't told us your record. (Or why you would RE-START IT multiple times and then just stop keeping track because of your frequent losinggggg streaks)
B)You still haven't told us what you're down for the year (I'm estimating at least in the thousands, although probably more since you were under .500)

And "method to my madness?" Lol what the fuck are you talking about? YOU FUCKING STARTED THIS IN MY THREAD (Attacking one of my baseball picks a couple of months ago before leaving here with your tail between your legs when you went on yet another losing streak; Then you have the nerve to try and insult me in my football thread last week when you yourself continue losing games. What's your record again? Gotta be at least 0-4 after your wonderful performance on Sunday, but I'm sure you'll erase that from the record books as well). Obviously I'm not going into another capper's thread for the hell of it. YOU STARTED IT. I don't take shit from anyone. You came into my thread, insulted me twice, so is it you that wanted the attention?

I've been on these baseball forums every single day and have probably contributed the most baseball writing all year. I have gotten to know everyone here and enjoy everyone's company. What about you? You've pussied out of here MULTIPLE times, while constantly re-starting your record and not keeping track of what you were down. A man who has integrity and character does not do that. That's not how it works, clown. You can't run away from your record and your money lost, which is why WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR RECORD IS AND WHAT YOU'RE DOWN. IT'S A FUCKING SIMPLE REQUEST. And I'm simply warning the new readers out there about your shady shit, as everyone can see now how you don't want to reveal your record or +/-... because it's not good.

I'm ready to drop this but remember buddy, you started this.

DAMNNNNNNNN Cat! I've never seen u go OFF like this. Didn't know u had that in you =)

Jan 26, 2011
100-percent agreed with selectrick.

As for that comment you have in red, sportsforumVIP, that has nothing to do with you... you're a regular on the football forums also so you know exactly what I'm talking about. You see the BS that goes on. Scrubs like QueenOfHearts are getting TENS OF THOUSANDS OF VIEWS, while doing nothing but consistently give out losing picks. There are a few others as well who fall under that category, yet outdraw the more consistent winners such as myself.

You say Page Views doesn't matter to you, and that's perfectly fine, but when you do this particular endeavor of our's, or anything for that matter, you should always strive to be the best. That's an opinion, and you could disagree with it if you want, but personally, no matter what the endeavor is, you should always try to be the best at whatever you do. Period. I'm a very prideful person; I always strive to be the best. So when I see people like QueenOfHearts WRONGFULLY get the number of views that they do (And many others have brought this up as well) for doing absolutely nothing but lose, it's just wrong when you know that you're clearly better than them, or at least significantly so for this season. That has nothing to do with you, as like I said, you came into my threads a couple of times throughout the season (Once in football, once in baseball) and insulted me for no reason without being provoked. That's why this started. If you didn't do that, this whole thing would have never happened.

Honestly, I'm ready to drop it, wish you luck, and move on. I preach it all the time: Focus and mindset is everything in betting, and if we're wasting our time fighting one another over nothing, it's only going to detract from our potential success.

That being said, GL the rest of the way and I hope we both do well
Good luck to you also.

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