Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A bit more on "Vote For Manny"
If you think my "Vote For Manny" is actually about wanting Manny to be selected as a starter in the All Star Game, please read on.
If you think my "Vote For Manny" is actually about wanting to embrace the pro-steroids stance, please read on.
If you think my "Vote For Manny" is actually about preventing the most worthy of players, like Raul Ibanez, from getting selected to the All Star Game, please read on.
If you understood that the "Vote For Manny" is one part satire, one part sarcasm, one part fun, one part grandiose hopes the the rules of the game will somehow change to make sense.... feel free to read on even though you already get it.
Posted by Jason @ IIATMS at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="2009-05-27T19:33:00-07:00">7:33 PM</abbr> 5 comments
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The purpose of this blog is to get Manny Ramirez elected as a STARTER to the 2009 All Star Game in St. Louis?
To highlight the silliness that are the MLB rules towards PED users as well as their "head in the sand" approach to this situation. Rather than confront it head-on, MLB is choosing to do nothing and simply hope there are three higher vote getters in the NL OF.
Click here to VOTE FOR MANNY!
As of 5/26/09, Manny's totals:
- #4; 1,213,423 votes
Posted by Jason @ IIATMS at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="2009-05-26T15:45:00-07:00">3:45 PM</abbr> 53 comments