From SBR:
<TABLE class=mainbox cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right>
SBR Rating:</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>
Sportsbook Review Overall Rating: A+
Bonus Rating A+ Customer Service: A Financial : A+ Software rating B</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right>
Comments:</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>
VIP Sportsbook is among the world's best sportsbooks for all size stakes players who seek a combination of excellent customer service, Book stability and clean, easy- to- use betting screens. Based in the Dutch Antilles, which is on the
Preferred Countries List for gaming, VIP is the perfect choice for players who are looking for the best bonus program and great customer service.
VIP Sportsbook continues rank at the top of our customer service surveys and has one of the highest customer retention rates in the business. The player friendly rules such as free withdraws, .10 baseball lines, a generous ongoing rewards program and a "country club" style of customer service are the reasons we commonly hear in customer surveys.
Managed by one of the industry's most talented and respected operators, the honorable Alistair Assheton, VIP enjoys an unequaled reputation of fairness and quality service.
Yeah right: I received no bonus, had my limits cut to 50$, and received no replies from CS....