NNNnnnooovvvaaaa! YEEEaaaahhh!!!!!!!!
My day today" Missed out on Well Armed WPS in Dubai World cup by 1 minute (site locks out 2min before official post_+) but got in initial ex box of WA, ABoy, HBoy, Snaffy (lost)
Mizz +
Nova ML (to break even on day)
Goodbye you criminal Panther types. I regret being allover you early in dance=== the more I see of them on tv the less Ilike - Good job Nova, don't bet UConn from here out , refs will out them
More importantly, take note of fact that Dunkirk and Q!Road are great horses - dont expect Pampelmousseparfaitwussycolt to beat these 2 come Derby day. The Pussymousse may win SA Derby but wont win KD.