Big10...I went around to a few shops today and can report that the lines have become homogenized and vary very little. I did find that Harrah's had none posted and I was told they were still thinking about doing so but may not, (for whatever that's worth).
Looking at the opening numbers around town there were some great scalps available but by today they had all become uniform. ie: Cal/Neva opened the Rangers at +250 when the Palms opened Washington at -210, (however only a nickle limit at the Palms).
Interesting observation is while the Flyers line has been pounded at most shops, Opened +155 at Cal/Neva down to went up at the Hilton, from a open of +125 to +130. I would trust a line move at the Hilton any day over a move at a place like Cal/Neva. Pittsburgh might be the right side.
Other moves from the openers at the Hilton, (which you have in post # 2,
Philadelphia +130
Pittsburgh -150
St Louis +200
Vancouver -240
Montreal +270
Boston -330
Cbus +450
Detroit -600
Calgary +125
Chicago -145
Anaheim +240
San Jose -280
Notice while nearly every shop I went to looked as if the dogs got hit, the Hilton had most action on the favorites.
San Jose
all went higher.
If you believe in sharp line moves...there you go.
Using that logic BetJam is currently offering Detroit at -495. Of the 8 shops I went to today no one had the Wings under -500,although 3 did have them at -500.