Vegas Sportsbook question


New member
Sep 15, 2007
I will be playing in Vegas for a living next year (If my job app goes according to plan) and only MLB will have a 9-5 (Great new job)the rest of the year.

I bet at MOST 3 games a day and at most 8K a game. I normally am in the 300 or 1500 range. I do not mind spreading out my bets throughout several properties either. I also will be betting on several Offshore accounts. I want to know how much hassle I will receive and how I should spread or If I should spread my bets out?

I want your advice if I had to make the following bets on a Tuesday afternoon.

TO RISK/WIN is the on all games

1150/850 on the Mets
1200/850 on the Astros

Or on a Wednesday afternoon
2360/2596 on the Mets
6328/2638 On the Brewers

So if those were my bets on back to back days once a week what do you suggest?

Sep 21, 2004
Bet offshore for the most part. Palms is very good about taking bets, but there likely won't be much advantage betting at a casino. Best bet is 5 Dimes for overnights and Matchbook for almost everything else. It would be a waste for the most part to run from book to book.

Rx .Junior
Apr 14, 2008
Virtually all the books make phone accounts available to residents so that you won't have to run around.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I dont think you need to worry too much about Vegas kicking you out

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RX Junior

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RBPD's plays for Friday 6-20-08
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Ok guys I am here to make my first posted picks of the year so the pressure is all on. I have done very well without posting picks, but had horrid betting strategies and even worse money management. I will try and pick 2 or 3 games a day at the most. I look for quality instead of quantity. All of my betlines will be through Bodog. That is my online sportsbook I have an account with.

Fri 6-20-08

BET #1
CHI - +108 - 20 to win 21.60

Reason for Play
Chicago is coming off of being swept by the Rays and left Tampa late last night. They have to turn around and play a 2:20 Start. Although they are at home, the Sox are home as well.

CHI - T.Lilly - He has been good so far this year including his scorless innings vs Toronto last weekend. However if you look at that game closely it appears he struggled with his control 5 walks (most of season) and the Jays just could not capitalize leaving 10 on base to the Cubs 4.

CWS - J.Danks - He has not won in his last three starts but did through 6 scroless innings in his last appearance.

Biggest Danger of the Game - Cubs #2 in MLB against LHP, SOX #29 against LHP. Keep in Mind Soriano batted 377 against LHP and 233 against RHP. So he really boosted the team BA against LHP's.

BET #2

This bet has not been decided yet. I will be following Chase system I saw at another board using the runline. I lost last night in my first attempt.

New York Yankees -1½ (-125)

I hope once I spot the high moneyline team which looks like it will be the A's vs my home town Marlins I will post that play.

Good Luck to All Today



good luck :103631605
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New member
Sep 15, 2007
Good Job,
I have found that it is best not to post picks, since I won some before it and have done real well since. The bottom chase system is from some guy I met posting picks, I dont follow that anymore either.

I am done posting crap because to many people just want to poke holes in your picks and talk crap.

So have fun flame away

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Gl, but I think you'll find better lines offshore if you're serious about trying to support yourself wagering on sports.
Oct 26, 2003
Good Job,
I have found that it is best not to post picks, since I won some before it and have done real well since. The bottom chase system is from some guy I met posting picks, I dont follow that anymore either.

I am done posting crap because to many people just want to poke holes in your picks and talk crap.

So have fun flame away

My opinon is you are banging your head against the wall...don't think you can make a living betting in Vegas...I know a couple of guys who can, but they don't post on forums...

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by RBPD5015
Hey guys, I have been betting small amounts for over 2 years, but have never track my bets or came up with a Unit/star system for my bets since I was and still am to scattered. This has hurt my bank roll, not mentioned hitting a some monster games at night and trying to double up on a big tennis favorite to make money while I sleep only to come back in the morning and see all my profits gone from the night before (P.S to self GOT TO STOP THAT CRAP!!).

Anyways to my my question.

I want to track my bets and I have determined that for my current bankroll. I want to use a 5 star system wit a $25 unit amount.

My question is how to I track my +/- ? and what do I do with parlays? If I win 2 of the 3 do they count as wins in my tracking? Also I want to start this from this current Sunday, but my bets where not in correct form. So could you guys help me get to where I would be now and I can hopefully take it from here when my next bet is for the correct unit system?


SUN - FLA + 145 - risk 120 to win 174 (WIN)
SUN - 3 Team Parlay (Fla+145, Cle -168, Det -132) - 26.27 to win 154.18 (Win)

MON - FLA -110 - risk 50 to win 45.45 (WIN)


TUE - 3 Team Parlay (BOSTON CELTICS -220, NYY -195, FLA +145) - risk 25 to win 107.03 (Loss FLA Game)

No how would that reflect so when I write my post today I can have a year to date with Units Bet?



guy is a baller. gone from small amounts over 2 years and a 25-125 bet spread to moving to Vegas to fire 6 dime bets and be a pro, within 1 month. Wish he had posted picks, because that my man is getting hot in a hurry.

Congrats. :party:


New member
Jan 22, 2006
If you're betting up to $8k on a game, then you will probably get heat in Vegas after a few weeks. Those bets won't get unnoticed.

And betting online, I would probably say the same thing.

Any other perspectives?
Sep 21, 2004
Virtually all the books make phone accounts available to residents so that you won't have to run around.
You would think, but actually no. Stations is the only one that does, and it's 2200 a day max in total bets. Vegas hates sportsbetting, and especially hates winners. Palms is about the only place that will take a real bet and give out early lines.

Rx .Junior
Apr 14, 2008
You would think, but actually no. Stations is the only one that does, and it's 2200 a day max in total bets. Vegas hates sportsbetting, and especially hates winners. Palms is about the only place that will take a real bet and give out early lines.
WTF? Are you sure about that? I know that at one time MGM, Mirage, Mandalay . . . al the big boys offered some sort of phone access. It was a couple years back (2-3 years), but not that long ago. Has this changed since then?
Sep 21, 2004
WTF? Are you sure about that? I know that at one time MGM, Mirage, Mandalay . . . al the big boys offered some sort of phone access. It was a couple years back (2-3 years), but not that long ago. Has this changed since then?
As of two years ago, Stations and Coast properties were the only ones offering it. But it's full juice, vanilla lines, and no early lines. 2200 a day max, so no professional advantage whatsoever. I lived in Vegas for awhile, and 95% of my bets were offshore. Palms does give some good value on overnights, and they take big bets with no questions asked. I saw a guy hammer some Saturday lines at Friday afternoon's opener at 1500 a pop, and they didn't blink an eye. They once let me buy an NFL game off the 3, and only charged me 10 cents. Palms is awesome.

Stardust cancelled their phone betting a few years ago, and MGM did the same. Maybe they are offering it now, but I doubt it.


New member
Jan 22, 2006
How much winning would it take before you got bounced from a sportsbook in Vegas? I imagine they closely monitor any bets over a certain amount.

Rx .Junior
Apr 14, 2008
I'm not sure if they'd ever really "bounce" you but they would probably check with all the managers and their lines before they let you get down on anything after a while.

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