November 8th issue concludes that despite the war of words between Kerry and Bush concering missing explosives Defense Intelligence Agency documents indicate that the problem was much larger than the explosives taken from al Qaqaa. This report, also confirmed by Kay that attacks using such weapons "have grown at a substained rate" also "they retain access to virtually all the weapons systems and ordnances previously controlled by the Iraqui military" it concluded "unsecured arms depots and storage sites, in addition to open and black market availability of weapons and ammunition eliminate the need for the (insurgents) to maintain a formidable arsenal."
The article asks the question "why the Pentagon war planners made no more extensive plans for controlling Saddam's vast weapons stores." This in spite of the warnings the the International Atomic Energy Agency gave about the possibility of these activities at al Qaqaa and warned about the high explosive
held there.
Just another example of how little thought was given by anyone in this adminstration concering the war and the control of the area after the "fighting" was over.
It may seem ironic to some that Americans are being killed by weapons that should have been confiscated or destroyed. I will wager it does not seem ironic to the families of those kids. Almost as a daily ritual we are discovering the incredible errors made by this administration. And just as a ending thought, these are only the errors we are discovering, how many more that will never be discovered and how many Americans are being lost because of it.
The article asks the question "why the Pentagon war planners made no more extensive plans for controlling Saddam's vast weapons stores." This in spite of the warnings the the International Atomic Energy Agency gave about the possibility of these activities at al Qaqaa and warned about the high explosive
held there.
Just another example of how little thought was given by anyone in this adminstration concering the war and the control of the area after the "fighting" was over.
It may seem ironic to some that Americans are being killed by weapons that should have been confiscated or destroyed. I will wager it does not seem ironic to the families of those kids. Almost as a daily ritual we are discovering the incredible errors made by this administration. And just as a ending thought, these are only the errors we are discovering, how many more that will never be discovered and how many Americans are being lost because of it.