The Shrink said I should up date, so here goes. 3 years ago I lost approx. 180k and did not bet until 8-03 when I re-uppped for 2700 and won 25k, but they said I owed a 1700 WU from 3 years ago and would not give me pay out. They couldn't be like most books and take the alledged debt out of my deposits, because they say I bet with It, but they won't take the alledged 1700 out of my winnings either??? Talk about having the whole bakery and EATING IT TOO!! And Its not LIke It was an accident either, Kyle admittingly took the money, didn't put It towards the alledge debt, Knowing he was never going to give me a pay out?? Since then I've had to go through all this grief crying to you all,{including Sting who has faded on me like a fence riding sunset IN a hurricane] and trying to get the pain In the ass WU to send me verifacation that I In fact finally got! But It still doesn't matter to bos cause they think Its phony , but do you think think they would would 3 way a WU call like I've been asking them for 2 months, HELL NO!they don't wan't the truth, there going to grab any sraw until there is none left!! KYLE"S only contention now Is Is I SHOULD HAVE taken care of there comany's error 3 years ago??
They have offered me a settlement though,Instead of paying me anything, they want ME to send THEM more money and they'll give me a larger bonus!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! I really think Its time, body guards or no body guards, we round up a posse and go down there!!!
Also I forgot to mention I've taken several days off work because they said they were going to call me but they didn't and david C. wont take my calls!!
They have offered me a settlement though,Instead of paying me anything, they want ME to send THEM more money and they'll give me a larger bonus!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! I really think Its time, body guards or no body guards, we round up a posse and go down there!!!
Also I forgot to mention I've taken several days off work because they said they were going to call me but they didn't and david C. wont take my calls!!